An option to enable and use geometric centers for equilateral shapes (polygons)
Please enable the option to use the geometrically correct centerpoint as the intersection of the edge-normals for odd-edged polygons instead of using the "half the height, half the width"-centerpoint, or at least enable it as an option. Drawing the circumference-circle really is annoying.

Hello everyone,
Lately we have been thinking about improving the snapping / smartguide experience on Illustrator and we need your help in this process.
Please spare us some time of yours where we can come together on a online meeting and discuss your needs and pain point around snapping.
Please use this link to book an appointment :
See you soon!
Sunil commented
Illustrator seems to use the geometric center-point as the center of the odd-edged polygon as shown in the attached picture. Can someone please explain the issue? A video clip explaining the issue would be helpful. Thank you.
Ryuleik Highvey commented
2023, still nothing lmao
Just Me commented
OK - this was from 3 yrs ago, but it is still not available - This feature would be SO useful! I find myself creating lines from the vertices of the shape in order to find the geometric center of the shape.
Kav commented
This doesn't need explaining. Me and thousands of others have requested this continuously for years. Please add it in.
Anonymous commented
I would love to see the different visual for this type of ceneterpoint.
Jason commented
Second that. Centroids would be more useful than the bounding box centre point, or at least an option for showing it, in the attributes panel, for example.