Introduce reset option for shear/rotation/scaling
Currently, having used the Shear or Scaling tool on an object cannot be undone - except by undoing ANY previous changes to a document, plus the document may not have been closed and reopened, thereby losing the undo stack.
I'd like to suggest to add a Reset Object option to AI, allowing to reset an object's shear, rotation and scaling attributes to their original values at the time that object was created.
The suggested Reset Object option should open a confirmation dialog containing three checkboxes for the user to check:
Reset the following object attributes:
□ rotation
□ scaling
□ shear
[Reset] [Cancel]

Anonymous commented
NOTE: if you put the opposite shear value of what you set your shear to, it WEIRDLY does NOT actually set it back to original. It's off ever so slightly. E.g. if you shear a rectangle -15 degrees then shear it 15 degrees, your lines won't be straight. It's maddening.
Mactastic commented
With the Shear Tool selected, you can Option-Click on the target, which pulls up a dialog that allows you to type in the value. You'd just make the value the opposite of positive or the opposite of negative. What we need is a way to shear objects in a non-destructive manner.
qumar afsar commented
good idea!
Zaz commented
This is a great suggestion. I use Autodesk Maya and storing an objects history would be useful! I find in Illustrator i keep multiple versions of a created object so if something doesnt work out i can delete it and use a previous version of the shape. Keeping the history in some way practical sense is worth exploring!
It's kind of weird idea. I understand why you want this. But 'Object' is not a unchangeable thing. I can cut segments, join them, move anchors — how would this reflect on 'object's' shear/rotation/scaling? What if I take rectangle (path in fact) and manually move it's anchors away from center, making it larger without scaling it? (I do this more often then scaling) And what if I try to 'reset scaling' then?
When I wish to control rotation after some time, I use 'Transform' effect. A lot of then, stacked. I also wish that I could combine interactivity of Rotate toll with an ability to edit rotation automatically. Like Some option for a toll would create this Effect for me. This can be done.
But your idea is just not that well-formed yet. You have my vote still. -
A.D. commented
Or, alternatively:
It would be cool if any kind of transformation would always be available as a separate entry in the Appearance panel, and thereby removable/editable.
The programming effort for Adobe to show these transformation properties in the Appearance panel and allow them to be reset to "0" or to be edited to any other value by entering decimal values would be minimal, as this internally already happens, just without having the Appearance GUI provided yet.
Mike Gondek commented
Would be great if you could command click on the transform icons to reset, as in the character palette. Shear would be great as a live effects added to the transform effect. The free distort effect is quite jumpy and not very precise, as sometimes I need to repeat the distortion on different sized elements. This is a great suggestion, and especially shearing needs updating.