Reinstate The Functionality Of The Swatches Panel In CS 5.5
I’d like to see the functionality of the Swatch panel that was in (Windows) Ai CS 5.5 reinstated. Specifically, when the panel was opened, I used to be able to toggle through the Color Modes by holding Shift and clicking on the color square (thumbnail). If I held Cntrl, it would toggle to the color compliment. These were two great features that were eliminated with CS 6 through to the current version of CC 2017. Bring these back!!

Chris, thank you twice: one for remembering this, an another for not giving up.
Indeed, it works in CS5.1, and does not in latest versions. Definitely should be brought back. -
Chris Panny commented
I think there might be some misunderstanding. What you described works in the Color panel, but it does not work in the Swatch Options panel. Sorry, I should have been clearer in naming the Swatch Options (not the Swatch panel).
I've included a screenshot of the Swatch Options window along with an arrow to the color square, where I used to be able to toggle through color modes or invoke the compliment color.
Monika Gause commented
You have to click the rainbow strip, not the colored square.
And it still works that way. -
I can’t reproduce it in my 15.1.0 version, clicking the preview in Swatches or Color panel.
(Edited by admin)