We've all come across a time when we needed to repeat an element, but it needs to be transformed slightly different in each instance, whether that be position, rotation, reflection, scale or shearing. So, I propose a randomizing tool/function that you could use to make that happen. First you draw the elements you wanted to be randomly affected, then draw a shape to enclose them all. Select "Randomize" and they become something like a group.. You select one, and they're all selected. You could transform one, and the amount that you transformed it would be the limit any of them could be transformed.
So, if you had 20 circles and you wanted them all to be slightly sized differently, you could Randomize them all, then select the "group" and transform the scale to increase to 105%. This would make them increase anywhere from 100.00% to 105.00%, since they're already at 100%
It would be fun and useful!
Boris Boguslavsky commented
I've actually created a plugin for this exact purpose.
https://randomill.com/It does everything you've written, and more. You can randomize colors, strokes, opacities, positions, rotations, and more with a lot of accuracy.
MaxAff commented
A lot of the Scriptographers were artistic coding, but some of them were crazy UI improvement.
The variator is a "transform each" with random. It should be a basic tool. Adding some randomness to any bunch of items is a a really tedious process at the moment. You should figure out a tool.
Ho wait ! It already exists, you should just copy it : https://scriptographer.org/scripts/general-scripts/variator/
Thank you in advance, even if i don't hope too much about this feature request ****, since you still didn't add keyboard shortcut to rename the layers...
Violet C commented
I agree Hannah, I've looked for this for a long while now. The randomizer should be smarter, & should be available in 3D, too. I've tried using the Symbol Sprayer for this idea -- but it's not intelligent enough for the purpose. So basically a sample of 3D shapes for me, using the Symbol Sprayer, creates a 2D pattern. I've had to create my own random particles manually.
Dan commented
You can actually do this. Select all the objects, right click and select transform > transform each. Tick 'random' and change the size settings.