Find color in artwork
Sometimes I have a stray color that I cannot find in the artwork. It would be nice if there was a way I could click on the swatch and say find color and it would highlight everything that color was used on.

Kevin Prutzman commented
Here are two ways I find where a stray color is...
1) Draw a box with the same stray fill color. Then select same fill color. It will grab all objects with the same fill color. If you still aren't finding it. It might be a stroke of the color. Draw a box with the same stray stroke color. Then do same thing with select same stroke color.
2) Turn on Overprint Preview in your Separations Preview palette and then hide all the colors except for your stray color and it will show you where the color is located. -
Leonardo Nascimento commented
Actually, you can do it using the Recolor Artwork panel.