Custom Measured Units for Accurate Drawing
Today I zoom into the pixel level to draw 'in scale' - I would love the option to create custom units of measurement for my drawing and then have Snapping, Grids and Measuring Tools utilize them.
For instance, make a illustration of a floor plan at scale but decide on 50px = 1 virtual foot. I could label this 'Feet' and accurately size lines and objects using this increment of measurement.
Would be fantastic for my furniture and architecture sketching, as well as for many other hobbyists and professionals who know they get a more presentable result from Illustrator than AutoCad.

Jeanne Guderian commented
It would also be nice if this feature could then be used to calculate areas and perimeters in the scale of the drawing. For instance if I draw a polygon on a map with a scale of 1:24,000 Illustrator could tell me, in scale, what the acreage and/or linear dimension of the perimeter is.