Reveal in Finder / Explorer option for document tabs
Reveal in Finder Option - Currently reveal in finder you "command + click" file name at top of window, however this option is not availble when window is tied to the application frame.

Renan Santos - Shiamkal commented
So basic feature missing!
Matthew Roberts commented
Navigate to files in explorer with right click on the top tab (windows) - as it does on MAC OS. Mac OS does this, and Photoshop also does this in Windows and Mac (reveal in Finder/Explorer)
this would be a time saver, especially as windows currently has no tabs and I end up with mad clutter and loads of explorer windows open. It works in Phtoshpo, and it should be in Illustrator too!
Mike D commented
When right-clicking on a file's name/tab, add "Reveal in Finder" as one of the options. This exists in Photoshop and is very handy. Not sure why this can't easily be implemented in Illustrator, InDesign, etc.
Anonymous commented
LRSmith commented
Lordy, after 38 years using a Mac, I now have to use a PC and am completely lost without Mac equivalents like this in Windoze.
Ruth Daly commented
Hi Adobe,
I think that the "Reveal in Finder" is very, very handing in InDesign for locating files quickly. Is it possible to add this feature into illustrator.
Herman van Boeijen commented
This is madness :)
But in case you want an in-between solution, run this:It looks for illustrator's foremost open document, and reveals it in the finder.