Top Tab Ordering
Is there a way to order the tabs at the top when multiple files are open?
It is a real pain to reorder the tabs at the top, so that you can sequence through the pages in order of file name / date etc.
It seems silly to have the top tabs, but not be able to have them automatically order themselves...
(unless there is a way already)

Griff commented
I agree. I sometimes work with dozens of Illustrator documents open at the same time, so if I want to reorder them, I have to carefully drag a tab horizontally along the narrow 30 px tab bar to successfully reorder. Otherwise, the tab goes to the end!
It'd be nice to have features that auto order, but I'd say that's less important. It's MUCH more important to improve the experience of reordering tabs manually.
Jeffrey Guy commented
When moving the file tabs at the top it would be nice to be able to place them wherever you want without trying to carefully stay in the bounds of the tabs. If you move the mouse to high or too low when trying to move a file tab, it dumps it at the far right side. Of course you should be able to auto order the top file tabs by filename, size, dat or whatever you want.