Offer to not show again the message about discarding CMYK profile
Please add a "do not show again" option to the "Your current color settings discard CMYK profiles..." dialogue box.

Tim Oos commented
I have the same problem it is very annoying and hasn't been there before the upgrade.
NickC commented
With all due respect, all the checkboxes in Edit->Color Settings for the warnings are unchecked, AND I have a profile selected which is "Do Not Color Manage This Document.
BUT I still get a warning when I open most documents.
What annoys me most is there is no option in the warning dialog to say "Change colour settings for this document to agree with your current color settings".
If there were I could say yes to it, and then I wouldn't have any more error dialogs that doom me to ALWAYS get an error message because they only have two options - Cancel or Continue, and furthermore there is no way that I can find to change the settings after I have opened the document
I get that you don't like the fact that I don't want or need to color manage my documents, but this feels like a bit of a doom loop with no way out..
FPS Productions commented
You probably refer to this thread at forums:
Another related thread would be this one:
And another one:
And here are many more like this, actually.Monika is correct.
I get the frustration you are experiencing, but you brought it onto yourself, picking options to convert colors into your working space, disregarding intentions of the original creators, and Ai tries to at least warn you, 'you are putting your fingers into a meat grinder'. The fact 'no children die' shows exactly how low the level of the printing industry dropped :)Do you know a joke?
A driver listens to a radio and hears this: 'Drivers, be careful, a singular mad car is driving the opposite lane at 200 mph!'
He replies: 'A singular?! The whole lane is full of these!'But again — this is my personal opinion ...and it won’t solve the experience (and you don’t want to stop converting colors, instead of preserving numbers, as suggested). I am merging your request into the existing one. It makes it 3 votes at the moment.
FPS Productions commented
Yes. I already went through all the troubleshooting on the Adobe Illustrator forum. The boxes are not checked on. The consensus seems to be the message is SUPPOSED to warn me and therefore is 'functioning properly'. I disagree that it's helpful and I was 'sent' to this page to suggest removing the warning as a 'feature'.
Have you tried to disable these, in Edit > Color Settings?
FPS Productions commented
This Illustrator warning:
"Your current color settings honor CMYK profiles in linked content but profiles were set to be ignored when this document was created."
comes up for EVERY SINGLE FILE we receive, download, purchase.
Yet these warnings are constantly there.
When you open dozens and dozens of stock files this gets tedious very quickly.The warning provides me with nothing.
No useful information.
In fact it's made worse by its frequency.It's like if I got into my car and a warning buzzer went off telling me my door was open each time I opened the door to get in,
that would be both annoying and totally useless.
After a while I would probably find the little buzzer unit that made that sound and tear it out with pliers.
And I honestly have no memory of this always happening in Illustrator in earlier versions.
Please create an option to bypass these.
And don't say "you have to work in the profile they were set up in."
We often have no direct contact with the creators of the files.
{I absolutely cannot stand OK dialogues.
Extra clicks for nothing seems like some kind of punishment for something I didn't do.}I'm asking someone, maybe a programmer at Adobe, to make it stop.
Just a preference I could check on or off.
At that point I could get a warning.
Or how about a compromise and say each time we start the software
it might warn me on one file and then go away until I restart.Thank you for listening.
Herbie Hollar commented
AI 28.2 gives me that error EVERY TIME I open a file, even if I've just created it, without any linked content at all. Very odd, and frustrating. I've been using the same synchronized color setting for YEARs and now this is happening. Every—single—time—I—open—a darn—AI file.
NickC commented
Yes, extremely annoying. There should surely be some way of avoiding these messages. Maybe the dialog should offer some solutions, such as "From now on ignore profiles in linked content for this document"?
What it doesn't say is whether any of the linked documents have profiles or not.
If they do, this dialog is redundant and the profile can just be honoured from that point on, maybe with an appropriate option for this in the dialog box if it is really needed.
If they don't, then why not give the option to add a default profile.
This whole thing seems to me to be a real mess.
Jonas commented
It is not the "ask when [...]" checkboxes. It is your CMYK color management policy.
You can have it set to "Preserve embedded profiles" (what you currently have and what I consider good), but you can also have it set to ignore profiles and just use values (results in inaccurate colors for linked content with a different profile but sometimes people only care about numbers).
In your case if you change your setting to "Preserve Numbers" the popup will go away; but now you are instead stuck with a similar popup whenever opening documents that were created with "Preserve Embedded Profiles". You can't win. It's annyoing.
It really needs a "don't show again" option either on the dialog or as a setting in color settings (like the "profile mismatches" choices).
Jonas commented
The same for the equivalent opposite message: "Your current colour settings honor CMYK profiles in linked content but profiles were set to be ignored when this document was created":
Showing messages like this over and over and over and over and over again gets old fast when opening multiple files. Really needs a "do not show again" checkbox, or an option to suppress the message in color settings.
(Edited by admin) -
Jonas commented
For me that prompt only shows if (as the dialog states) the document was created with different color settings for how to handle CMYK profiles (Preserve Embedded vs. Preserve Numbers).
But yeah, it is super annyoing when opening many documents. It really needs a "down't show again" option either on the dialog itself or in color settings.
NickC commented
Despite adjusting the Color Settings so that Profile Mismatches and Missing profiles are all unticked, I always get an error message when opening a document which says "Your current colour settings honour CMYK profiles in linked content but profiles were set to be ignored when this document was created".
There doesn't seem to be any way of stopping these annoying error messages. How do I set up Illustrator to ignore profiles in linked content, like it was when the document was created? Or alternatively to add a default CMYK profile to the linked content automatically?
Xaba Pete commented
After the ver 26.0 update every time I open a document I get and annoying message saying: Your current color settings honor CMYK profiles in linked content but profiles were set to be ignored when this document was created.
No matter if I change the color settings or keep the same setup using for years the prompt is there on every document open and need to be confirmed.
This should be displayed once and have the possibility to not display it again. It's crazy to confirm a message which can't be changed in any circumstances.
And the stupidest thing is that the documents doesn't contain any linked content.
Details about my system:
Windows 11 22000.282
Illustrator 26.0.1