My feedback
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11 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Jonas commented
The same for the equivalent opposite message: "Your current colour settings honor CMYK profiles in linked content but profiles were set to be ignored when this document was created":
Showing messages like this over and over and over and over and over again gets old fast when opening multiple files. Really needs a "do not show again" checkbox, or an option to suppress the message in color settings.
Jonas supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Jonas commented
For me that prompt only shows if (as the dialog states) the document was created with different color settings for how to handle CMYK profiles (Preserve Embedded vs. Preserve Numbers).
But yeah, it is super annyoing when opening many documents. It really needs a "down't show again" option either on the dialog itself or in color settings.
16 votes
Jonas supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Jonas commented
Discretionary hyphens still broken in v. 26.
An error occurred while saving the comment Jonas commented
Discretionary hyphens are still broken in v25 (CC2021).
1. Make a text box, with some text in it. Oh no, a word is hyphenating in a bad spot!
2. Add discretionary hyphen in the correct spot
3. Nothing happens... Word still breaking in the wrong spot... :( -
4 votes
Jonas shared this idea ·
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Jonas commented
E-mailed it to '' and since you haven't gotten it yet, I also tried again now using ''
If you're still not getting it, maybe check spam filter? Could be your e-mail system isn't happy about SVG files?
An error occurred while saving the comment Jonas commented
Screenshot of a file AI struggles with attached. Will e-mail actual SVG.
I'm sure you can find many more if you start downloading SVG-files from various sources (not made using Ai) and try to open them. Things disappears, or suddenly it has a black background instead of transparent, etc.
An error occurred while saving the comment Jonas commented
Didn't work to attach the file in a comment either. Is the "attach a file" feature just broken? Well then, I won't be providing actual sample SVG files that Ai struggles with. You will have to find your own.
Ps: Even Microsoft Office and Internet Explorer handles SVG these days. It has become a very wide-spread format for vector files online and more. PLEASE add half-decent support in Ai or we will have to start to look for other programs to use instead. :(
An error occurred while saving the comment Jonas commented
Trying to attach it in a comment instead. Maybe then it's less picky?
Ps: Even Microsoft Office and Internet Explorer handles SVG these days. It has become a very wide-spread format for vector files online and more. PLEASE add half-decent support in Ai or we will have to start to look for other programs to use instead. :(
Jonas shared this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Jonas commented
Half the time when I get sent SVG files and try to open them, the result is strange error messages, and often a completely messed up result, often with elements completely missing.
Attached one random example. (I had to rename to .jpg as this website doesn't support SVG or ZIP). Rename back to .SVG to see it.
An error occurred while saving the comment Jonas commented
PLEASE improve SVG support. SVG files do not open correctly in AI.
Half the time when I get sent SVG files and try to open them, the result is strange error messages, and often a completely messed up result, often with elements completely missing.
Attached one random example. (I had to rename to .jpg as this website doesn't support SVG or ZIP). Rename back to .SVG to see it.
An error occurred while saving the comment Jonas commented
PLEASE improve SVG support. SVG files do not open correctly in AI.
Half the time when I get sent SVG files and try to open them, the result is strange error messages, and often a completely messed up result, often with elements completely missing.
Attached one random example. (I had to rename to .jpg as this website doesn't support SVG or ZIP). Rename back to .SVG to see it.
19 votes
Jonas supported this idea ·
5 votes
Hi Akshay,
We were able to confirm the issue that you see. The issue indeed does not happen with Illustrator 2018 (22.1).
We identified hyphenation as the potential culprit. To workaround the issue, either disable hyphenation in the Paragraph panel or make sure text does not get hyphenated.
We are sorry that you experience the issue and are working on fixing the issue.
The Adobe Illustrator Team
Jonas supported this idea ·
13 votes
This is expected to be fixed with the latest 28.5 build. Please check if it works for you.
Jonas supported this idea ·
40 votes
Illustrator Beta 29.2.10 now supports Nonbreaking space (U+00A0).
It can also be added with Type > Insert WhiteSpace Character > Nonbreaking Space command.
Please try this build and see if it works for you as expected.
My sincere congratulations to everyone. This symbol means a lot!
Jonas supported this idea ·
It is not the "ask when [...]" checkboxes. It is your CMYK color management policy.
You can have it set to "Preserve embedded profiles" (what you currently have and what I consider good), but you can also have it set to ignore profiles and just use values (results in inaccurate colors for linked content with a different profile but sometimes people only care about numbers).
In your case if you change your setting to "Preserve Numbers" the popup will go away; but now you are instead stuck with a similar popup whenever opening documents that were created with "Preserve Embedded Profiles". You can't win. It's annyoing.
It really needs a "don't show again" option either on the dialog or as a setting in color settings (like the "profile mismatches" choices).