Artboard search / filter function
Add a search bar to the Artboards panel

Abdullah Tayeh commented
it will definitely enhance the user experience
Fabricio commented
Excelente opção de ferramenta para incorporar ao Illustrator
ilenia donati commented
great idea! it would be important to also have the ability to reorder the tables alphabetically.
It helps when you have a lot of tables. -
Camille Barennes commented
Il m'arrive très souvent d'avoir besoin de rechercher un plan de travail dans un fichier Illustrator qui en contient beaucoup. Cette fonctionnalité serait tout simplement géniale !
There is a free script you can use for that:
It does exactly the thing you want. If it does not — you can always ask the developer to add more (like regular expressions support — I believe you might want that).
Sure it does not mean Adobe should not add it. So voted. -
Jean-Paul Designolle commented
Pouvoir dans la palette "Plans de travail" Faire un tri ainsi qu'une recherche sur les plans de travail.
Ce qui motive ma demande est que je nomme mes plans de travail en fonction des supports utilisés pour l'impression grand format ou avec des référence produits dans le cas d'image destinée aux sites internet.
Lorsque l'on à plus de 300 plans de travail pour des images produits qui mêlent vecteur et photos, la navigation fini par être longue.
Tri et recherche seraient un plus. -
Luke Mac commented
Would be hugely useful for my workflow.
I'm surprised Adobe recently added search to Layers, and left Artboards unsearchable 🤔 -
Stephan, works fine for me, no errors in the latest Ai version.
You should log an issue about this problem directly in the script’s repository here:
Please provide some details there, a test file, and your full specs. -
Sergey Osokin commented
Stepah, the script still works. The current version is 0.1.4. I used it a lot in March. I need information about bugs. You can create an issue on GitHub.
Stephan Mönninghoff commented
A search field in the Artboards palette would solve the problem. Unfortunately, the script from Sergey does not seem to work any more. Illustrator is just throwing errors.
Nitcho commented
*** @Sergey Osokin ***
You are a hero. Thank you for all your hard work improving illustrator so it saves countless hours for people worldwide via your scripts.
I'm going to reach out and try to help you somehow for saving me so much time.
We can't wait for adobe to make all these improvements. -
Stephan Mönninghoff commented
@Sergey Osokin like all your scripts, this is very good! I love the live search as you type in the artboard name. It solves a lot of problems with the whole Illustrator artboard misery. Thank you very much for making this available!
I wanted to make a donation via PayPal but it is currently restricted. I am sorry this is affecting you personally! -
[Deleted User] commented
I created a script for navigating to artboards by their name or size -
There are many ways to implement this in illustrator.
Am I right thinking that we all mean the same filter search Photoshop has?
What other options do you think are needed? -
Val Berger commented
Please! I now have to look for alternatives for icon libraries.
Stephan Mönninghoff commented
Yes please. I am constantly looking for artboards in a large icon design file. No workarounds for this either so this would be a welcome improvement.
Phontaine commented
Very helpful suggestion. I have tried numerous times to search my illustrator file for a specific artboard or item name within an artboard. This would help a lot.
Jorge commented
por favor seria genial a las mesas de trabajo poner nombre que ya lo hace
pero en agregar en enlaces o en mesas de trabajo buscar por el nombre
ya que tengo un archivo que uso constantemente y tengo que ir una por una buscando ya que son mas de 200 mesas de trabajo y seria genial buscar por nombre .....voten -
Anonymous commented
It would be very helpful to alphabetically sort the actual artboard in the document as well as in the artboard window. Search bar would also help with organizing large quantities of artboards.
Asset Export: Add the ability to select portions of an artboard and have it automatically retain the artboard name when pulled into asset export instead of a generic "Asset xxx" name.
Helga Nowaczinski commented
Would also be brilliant for icon creation, especially now that we have the possibility for up to 999 artboards per file.