Arc Warp effect and envelope distortion presets skew vertical lines
The Arc upper / lower warp effect isn't very good! It distorts too much!!!! Please improve!!!! It's been like this for years.

Yes, not I can see what’s the problem, thanks for the clarifications once more.
Indeed, Arc Upper / Lower skew all vertical lines of the text! If you show guides in the original document, it becomes clear.That's why I personally use this method instead — please check the file attached. The text has the Bulge effect applied to it, which does not skew vertical lines. But since Bulge pushes out both sides, I trick it with adding an auxiliary copy of the text with Transform effect and excluding it— check the Appearance panel to see the stack.
There are several problem with this solution.
First, it’s crazy. You have to know how Appearance work to conjure it up... Once saved as a graphic style though, it’s pretty easy to handle.
Second one, all vertical lines are shifted. The larger is bulge value, the more stretched the middle becomes, so it's just changes one problem with another.
Third problem — it’s overshoots of the C. It goes below the baseline and above the cap height line, to compensate the curved glyph visually, but all warps can’t ignore it by design. That's why the top line is not horizontal. To work around that you can use a no-fill-no-stroke container, which are larger than the text. I put one on baseline, make it twice as tall as the text, then enlarge it a bit more, group all together and then bulge — no Transform magic is required then.
Anyway, yeah, warp effect and warp envelopes need some attention. Voted!
NinjaPuss commented
RE: Above Request
This is actually the Warp 'Effect' you are referring to.I would like to Improve the Warp Tool - By allowing the size of the brush tip to be controlled by the usual brush size keyboard shortcuts (as in Photoshop) such as [ & ]
The interactive {hold down alt} sizer is a quite awkward.
Having the tip behave in the same manner as the blob brush, would be amazing! and consistent.