Shortcut to toggle visibility of a certain layer with guides or a template
More often than not I use a Guide layer on top of my canvas on multiply, to see the guides and what I'm doing at the same time. With a shortcut there would be no need to open the Layers panel and click the visibility button to preview what I'm doing. There could be a special type of layer that could be hidden on export and have this feature or the shortcut could ask to specify the layer to hide/make visible.

Dina Dembicki commented
Have you tried template layers? What's nice about a template layer is that you can show/hide it, but they don't print. Therefore, it also doesn't show up if you place the AI file as artwork into another app such as InDe. No shortcut to visibility, however. Love that I don't have to remember to turn it off when saving to place.
How would it work? Would you select something on a layer and use the shortcut to show/hide the entire layer?
Related to this request:
Automatically push guides to a single layer -
Ismael Villegas commented
@Russ Yes, I know that toggles the guides but what I was looking for is a shortcut to toggle the visibility of a layer in which we can have an image, or shapes, that we can use as guides. For example: vectoring a photograph with this feature could let us see the image on top of our work and quickly hide/show that layer with the shortcut instead of going to the layers panel and clicking on the visibility of the layer.
Russ commented
This can be simply done by pressing Ctrl + ;