2D Extrude
I would like a 2D extrude feature. For example...
- Draw a box and add extra points to it.
- Select every other set of two points (i.e. segments) and pull them so they extrude out (instead of bend - or have the choice of bend OR extrude), perpendicular to the line they're on.
Currently I have to duplicate and rotate and then merge... I'd rather like to be able to pull out extruded segments without having to do it manually.
Boom! great idea, thanks for adding my name to the next release with this new tool. If you don't understand this idea I'd be happy to draw it out for you in a diagram...
Cheers, I'll be happy with only 1% of global sales... thanks :)

I totally get what you mean, since I create these as well.
Yes, AxoTools supports 0 for both tilt and turn value, allowing you to generate side views basically.
Plus it provides lighting-shading options, stroke options, etc. Recently it added stacking options, holes, pop-art symbols (advanced stuff).If you have to create this a lot, I really advise to at least try it. I’d grab it even for only one job, it’s that effective. Not flawless, but so much better than creating anything like this with scripts or actions or manually — or waiting for Adobe to start looking in this direction :)
CygnusRK727 commented
A native 2D extrude ability within Illustrator would be an added touch.
An example of how this might be used would be placing an image of an architectural floor plan into Illustrator and using a rectangle to draw a vector floor plan of the walls, extruding as you go. In this way the created vector walls would ideally be connected, and could be dimensioned, colorized, etc. (as needed).
I realize we have image trace but that doesn't always result in clean vector art, especially if the image is low res or has faint lines. Or sometimes doesn't capture all the vector in the way that you want.
AxoTools plug-in might work. It mentions axonometric planes, but I guess you could choose 0 degree angle?
I would envision a simple extrusion function natively within Illustrator to work solely in 2D.
I’d suggest to look at ingenious AxoTools plugin for that functionality
Anonymous commented
The original Dimensions program years ago is what we really need added to Illustrator
Ross Murray commented
I think this idea would be a great help to my workflow in Illustrator.