
My feedback

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  1. 74 votes
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    Hello all,

    The 'Apply to all' checkbox has been brought back in the Replace missing link dialogue.

    'Apply to all' checkbox was removed when we introduced the 'Auto-relink' (search for missing links in this folder) functionality, as we though 'auto-relink' is going to take care of the 'replace all' workflow as well. But it didn't work as expected in few cases as pointed out by some of you.

    Hence, with the latest release V29.2 (full roll out happens on Jan 9), we have decided to revert to the earlier experience whereby we are bringing back 'apply to all' checkbox and rolling back the 'auto-relink functionality.

    Because of conflicts, both of these functionality cannot co-exist unless we make some significant changes to the relinking experience.

    As we understand, 'replace all' was a important workflow for most of you, so we decided to quickly bring it back while working on the overall…

    Anonymous supported this idea  · 
  2. 35 votes
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  3. 981 votes
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    Anonymous commented  · 

    There is no reason to scale.. its vector.. This is the most ridiculous issue ever.. Vector scales infinite without an issue..
    A 100"/100" file saved is the same size as a file saved when scaled at 10%. So why do we need to work in scale.. Every thing should be 1:1.. Its all about Adobe Illustrators code.. An AI file is a proprietary dated filetype.. it needs to change. Period.

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    Wow.. get a coffee... I am not talking about infinite numbers of artboards at all.. I don't care about them.. this topic is to remove the canvas size limit... I think you are posting in the wrong board!!!
    Also.. Infinite number of artboards is pretty stupid in my opinion.. way too much to go wrong!.

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    Also Bill.. any moron knows that for the industry you are talking about you use read CAD design software not Illustrator.. Wake up and stop TROLLING!!!

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    Bill.. deal with it.. we want 1:1.
    if you don't like it.. turn away.. you have no need.. we do..
    also.. you should not be publishing NON PUBLIC Adobe documentation.
    You should be removed from the Adobe prerelease group!!!
    READ THIS!!! or do you just not care!!! you must be better than the rest of us because you can use a scale in you documents..

    The information discussed within the program is confidential. Your participation and your knowledge of this information cannot be shared outside of the people in this group per your acceptance of the Prerelease Agreement.

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    Sorry Bill but you do not represent the majority of people asking for this..
    When you realize you just sent a file to print and forgot to set scale or something went wrong because of virtual scaling and you now have tens of thousands of dollars in rework.. Don't tell my I should have done my job correct..
    Illustrator is a proprietary format... its not PDF.. We should NOT have to work in scale.. there should be no scale limit.. If Adobe wants to embed some sort of internal scaling system that they use behind the scenes that will never give us a bad scaled output then thats fine.. Until then, we need 1:1 scaling.. I need a 20 foot banner and I expect I can have this.. PDF standard does NOT have this limit.. in other applications.. I can send a 20 foot pdf file to have print.. Illustrator cannot.. It needs to conform to todays standards not hold on to 1990 legacy working code..

    An error occurred while saving the comment
    Anonymous commented  · 

    "Just Scale your designs to 10%" .
    WOW.. Ill put this simply....

    NO! - Fix the program!

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    Christopher, that is incorrect.. I just made a 300" x 300" PDF in another program other than illustrator.. It opens fine in acrobat.. so its not a PDF limitation.. Its Illustrator.

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    Justin, the point isn't how we can get around the issue.. the point is this needs to be added to illustrator.. Its a drawing layout program that needs to be updated from 1998. We all know there are tools to buy to "fix" the problem but they are all bandaids..
    Modify Illustrator to work with larger art boards PERIOD!!.. NO OTHER OPTIONS ARE GOOD ENOUGH.

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    hmm... you think Justin works for Hot Door???
    We would buy it if we could purchase only the dimension tools but unfortunately the only useful plugin CADTools sells is ONLY bundled with other not needed and bloated plugins.. They don't offer the basic dimensioning tool.. its too bad...they would have 12 more sales if they did.
    while good.. the full bundle is not worth it for most of us. They have other basic plugins but not what most os us need.. its an all or nothing. $380 for plugins and then another $230 when they decide an upgraded Illustrator version warrants them getting more money. Nope...

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    While I agree a "scale" option would help it still doesn't fix the underlying issues..
    I also create and work with files from a couple pixels all the way up to 400-500 inches. I run into this limitation a few times every month. Most of the time, its just short a few inches.. REALLY!!!

    Working with a scale option is BAD!!

    1. What if I forget which option is on? oops. I just cost my company $1000 in printing plate materials.
    NO..NO..NO!!!! Did I say.. NO!!!
    2. there is also the issue that when pasting large objects. They sometimes cannot be placed because they will end up outside the canvas area. Thus we can't work and have to find other solutions.
    3. You are wrong about its just math and we are working in scale.. WE ARE NOT WORKING IN SCALE... we are working in a 1:1 ratio ALL THE TIME. it never scales.. the units change but thats not the same as scaling.

    Read thru these comments.. many say just add a document scale function, it would be good enough but it doesn't fix the real issue.
    We pay almost $20,000/ year to adobe.. THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR THIS BEING IGNORED FOR SO LONG.

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    Anonymous said "PDF page size is capped at about 5 meters"..
    I would agree with you but the illustrator current limit is 227.54 inches which equates to 5.779516 meters..
    Thats probably not the answer..
    I think this goes back to when Illustrator was written, Adobe never expected sizes to exceed the current limit. They have just never changed it. Its possible there are major rewrites needed to modify it and hopefully thats in the works.
    Don't get me wrong.. I want size limits to be gone, I just think there isn't reasoning behind the current cap.

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    Keith, that is understood. nobody is saying you cannot use EPS.. go ahead.. but you have limitations using a 20+ year old format. NOT 1 rip software I know will use ai files.. PDF is what is used today. You can also place PDF inside of word, AI is a proprietary format that is not useable in anything but Illustrator. MOST rips can use pdf. even rips from 15 years ago. Maybe its time for you to do some research on your system, maybe you can go to pdf and it would optimize your workflow.
    EPS builds a preview image based on actual size.. This image is ONLY used for preview purposes.. the dimensionally larger your file, the larger your eps. usually.. size times 4. PDF is NOT illustrator.. PDF is a standard on almost every desktop publication and graphics software today.

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    Being that its 2018 and almost 2019, should we even be discussing eps files anymore? Most everything is pdf now.. Yes there are some old shops that still use eps but that is far and few now. As said.. use no embedded preview if its absolutely necessary.. AND if you don't want to use a larger size!!! DONT... use a scale ration like you are already doin,. the rest of us want 1:1 scale for our documents.

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    Keith, infinite canvas does not mean larger files.. a 200" square and a 1" square each on its own document with corresponding page sizes are the same.. Only the amount of content you put in a file increases size.. working in half scale or full scale results in the same file sizes.. NO SCALE TOOL. The current way of working is unacceptable. We need to be able to do a 1:1 drawing of any content. Billboards, bus wraps, wall hangings etc. and any architectural work should be able to be done within this program. 19 feet long is the max size that can be made. Even if they bumped it up to 100 feet that would satisfy 99.999% of users complaining.. but we still hear nothing except.. Need More Info....???? what??? I think we have provided that enough already.

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    Need more info with over 300 votes and 160 comments stating why we want this.. you would assume this is enough..

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    WOW!!..the comment to just add a scale feature... (just move the decimal place etc..) is a horrible idea.. what if i don't check this.. what if i open a file that has this scale and i don't realize it.. how much money is it going to cost us because we output a 150 foot proof because oops.. i only wanted 15 inches!!! DO NOT DO THIS WITH SCALING FEATURES.. make illustrator honor a 1 to 1 ratio and give us at least 100x100 foot document.. NO limits is better but lets start somewhere.. 200 inches and change is ridiculous.. Look at what Affinity is doing.. they would be a good company to start copying now that Illustrator is no longer number 1. I use it now only because i have to. I started with Illustrator 88 and it used to be an amazing program.. now its riddled with bugs, crashes and speed bumps. Please go back to the drawing board and rewrite in full 64 bit and give us a program that we can use for production on a day to day business. Need more info!!!! Here you go.. WE ARE ALL ASKING FOR IT.. THERE IS YOUR INFO...

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    I read somewhere that PDF has a 200" size limit...I don't know if this is correct or not. This still doesn't explain the 227.54 in Illustrator limit tho.. Whats going on with this. When can i make my files 1:1... We need this.

    Anonymous supported this idea  · 
  4. 105 votes
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    The latest Illustrator release - v29.3 now offers 'Preview Missing Fonts' functionality to improve your experience when working with files that contain unavailable fonts.

    If you open a file with missing fonts, Illustrator will now render the text correctly in Preview Mode on the artboard, even if the fonts are not installed on your system. This ensures the files appear as intended without requiring immediate font installation.

    For more details and help, please see this article:

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    I would like to see this as well. but.. I don't think fonts are embedded into ai files if pdf is off.
    so unless you save with PDF on which we don't for 99% of the files we work on, they your out of luck without the actual font.
    I believe there is a flavor of pdf that you can export with acrobat that will outline fonts.. Don't remember how but I remember something about it.
    good luck..
    PS.. I would also love a outline on open/import as well.

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    how about selectable opening options. when opening a pdf, add checkboxes for flattening, outlining text and even unembedding images. Cant wait to see this

    Anonymous supported this idea  · 
  5. 10 votes
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    Anonymous commented  · 

    I disagree.. you should use the correct font or unlock your layers.. We lock layers for a reason so they DO NOT get modified...

    Anonymous supported this idea  · 
  6. 752 votes
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    Adobe Illustrator's Multithreading Journey Begins!


    Dear Illustrator Community,

    I'm thrilled to announce that we've embarked on an exciting journey to bring multithreading capabilities to Adobe Illustrator. This significant undertaking will enhance performance and responsiveness across various aspects of the application.

    While this is a complex process that will take some time to fully implement, I wanted to share our progress so far.

    Our Approach

    We've strategically begun by focusing on the most computationally intensive operations—those that typically take more time and block the main thread, resulting in slower response times while you work. By moving these operations to separate threads, we aim to significantly improve your overall experience with Illustrator.

    It's important to note that you may see more noticeable impact in some areas than others initially. However, we want to assure you that this is just the beginning, and we will continue this journey to bring improvements across…

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    Yeah.. but its a really cool cupholder!!

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    John, while I agree with you 100%, Illustrator has major performance issues.. I can open the same pdf on multiple pdf editors but Illustrator is the only one that lags and shows beachballs constantly. Illustrator is currently multi processor aware so its not that.. (look at Activity Monitor.. it shows all cores being used), I believe that the code written is so bloated that its like trying to find a needle in a haystack every time you need to do something.. Better optimizations, rewriting parts at a time?? I think it needs a major cleanup.. Ive been using illustrator since version '88 so I do have experience in this matter.

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    We save without PDF content . files are tiny... Also. if I save to desktop, its almost instant.. save on network drive.. its slow..
    Scratch set local... SSD
    Work in outline mode and minimize link and layers pallet whenever possible to add a little speedup..

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    This is an Illustrator issue. Photoshop has no problems whatsoever. We run off a full 1GB network.. work of the server for everything.. NO issues except for Illustrators massive lag.. Its a common issue.. They even understand its an issue because they technically do not support working in Illustrator over a network. Ive been doing it for 15 years. And yes Ive checked our network speeds.. they are fine for everything but AI.. a 10 meg file shouldn't take 30 seconds to save. Period!! I can save a 1 GB Photoshop file in under 15 seconds on the same volume. so.. NO.. its not a network issue. Its the way Illustrator works.. we would like to have full compatibility with network usage.

    Anonymous supported this idea  · 
  7. 184 votes
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    The solution is pushed into Global Availability build 28.6.

    PDF is now available as type in File > Export > Export As dialog.

    However, File > Adobe PDF Presets menu, similar to one InDesign has, to allow even quicker export, is absent still.

    If you want to have it, please upvote this new request here:

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    I guess I see your point.. so you want them to add the PDF option to both save as and export.
    Save as would keep the newly saved PDF file as your open document and Export to PDF would export a PDF file keeping the original file you had opened open.

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    I don't understand.. if I want to save a file as a pdf.. I hit
    Save as pdf and click ok..then select the flavor I want.
    simple to me.. whats the problem..
    Illustrator uses PDF as a native format or illustrator.. thats why its in Save as and not as an export function.
    Am I missing something?
    I have never lost a file saving to PDF.
    I prefer saving as .ai files.
    so basically all this is about having to reopen the .ai file. I don't even think about it and I've been using illustrator since version '88.

    Anonymous supported this idea  · 
  8. 40 votes
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    Anonymous commented  · 

    I could be wrong but that only helps for ai file when pdf compatibility is checked.
    For native ai files without pdf checked I believe it does NOT work.

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    Why should I pay someone else to look at Adobes files. I pay enough to Adobe I should be able to quick look at the files.. Adobe.. are you listening?? Just because ArtView 2 works doesn't mean its the correct way of doing things. Nice to see another company pick up the slack tho where Adobe has fallen short.

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    Why has this not been implemented already.. This is a basic fundamental MacOS feature that Adobe should support.!!

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    i want this also.. bridge can see the previews but the mac OS cannot

    Anonymous supported this idea  · 
  9. 517 votes
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    Hi Everyone,

    The fix has been rolled out and is available in our latest release build – 24.1.1 for Win and 24.1 for Mac which is available worldwide now.

    What’s new in 24.1:

    You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:

    Thank you for all the feedback.

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    Ryuuzaki, Its not as simple as you say.. I can think of reasons why your simple explanation will not work.. What if I want to clip an area but the only content is on the lower right corner.. in your explanation only my content will be showing in my png thus making it smaller than I want it to be. what if I want a transparency as well..
    I do agree tho.. this is Adobe.. this shouldn't be that difficult for them. Should have been implemented years ago.

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    I understand why this is done like this but we need the option to clip if we want.

    Anonymous supported this idea  · 
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    Anonymous commented  · 

    I want to Rasterize object/image on clipping mask
    When rasterizing an any object that has a clipping mask, the resulting rasterized object includes the area of all items in the selection, even tho its masked. My newly rasterized image could be 20 inches long but my clip was only an inch. I would like the option to clip the newly created raster object to clipping area bounds. I know i can do this in photoshop but it defeats the purpose of rasterizing inside AI.

  10. 441 votes
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    Anonymous supported this idea  · 
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    Anonymous commented  · 

    I agree.. a system preference would be the way to go

  11. 147 votes
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    Anonymous supported this idea  · 
  12. 115 votes
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    We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 23.0.2
    Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ if you face difficulty in update.
    Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels –

    Warm Regards,
    Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
    Adobe. Make It an Experience.

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    If anyone wants to test beforehand, then you should join the prerelease team... so you have a voice..
    go to:

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  13. 43 votes
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    Anonymous commented  · 

    Easy fix!!
    Indesign is a page layout tool.. Illustrator is a design tool!.. Photoshop is an image tool..
    It stinks you loose layers but as you said.. use the program thats designed for what each is.
    I work in a prepress house NOBODY designs in Indesign!! We DO NOT accept Indesign files for production files. Period!
    That being said.. select all copy paste or export to PDF is the only way to go between the two programs..
    I think you can purchase plugins for it but not worth the money.

    Anonymous shared this idea  · 
  14. 113 votes
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    Anonymous commented  · 

    Use Indesign. 25 years of using AI an I personally have never needed that.. Not that its not ever useful.. but they need to work on more important things... how hard is it to add a 1 to the corner of a document. Also, I bet there is a script out there somewhere.. might be a good idea to look.
    here is one link I found.

  15. 288 votes
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    The latest Illustrator build (v29.2) now offers a way to see the distances between a selected object and an object hovered over / edges of an artboard.

    1. Click on the object you want to measure the distance from
    2. Press Opt/Alt and hover over the object that you want to measure distance to
    3. You can also hover over empty area to see the distance from the selected object and the artboard boundaries

    Please try it and come back with the feedback.

    Anonymous supported this idea  · 
  16. 54 votes
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  17. 4 votes
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    It woks in Ai already. You have to hold Opt/Alt and click the lock icon next to the layer’s name. First click will unlock any other layers first, but second will lock all other layers but the one clicked.

    Does it solve the problem?

    Same works with Toggle Visibility column.

    Photoshop does it a bit differently and skips the Show / Unlock All step.

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    unless I am wrong.. on the Mac when you hold the option or command key and left click on the lock icon on the layer you want, all other layers lock.. is this what you are looking for? works as well for the eyeball on viewing layers.

  18. 142 votes
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  19. 27 votes
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  20. 140 votes
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