Deleting Artboard with a button next to its name
Can you add back the little cross/close button (we used to have in CC2017) to the artboard so that I can delete the artboards without visiting the artboard pannal?
Em commented
YES please! Why there are so many extra steps like this in the new version.
tamarra commented
please bring back the x, was much easier.
Nicole commented
Yes, please add the little x in the corner back.
LV commented
BAD update for artboard!!!
Anonymous commented
I prefer the way we can delete artboard without selecting it, can you please bring that back. it increases my work flow
Josh Dubz commented
"select the artboards and hit delete button"
This is ok -- but I agree, please bring this [x] back in the top corner D:
AdminNitish Agarwal (Illustrator on Web/iPad Team) (Lead Software Engineer, Adobe Illustrator) commented
For easy deletion if artboards you can just select the artboards and hit delete button on the key board.
I hope this will solve your problem some extent.Thanks & Regards
Nitish Agarwal
Illustrator Team