Preserve Styles when Copy/Pasting Text from Illustrator to InDesign
Would love for the ability to copy formatted text directly from within Illustrator and paste into InDesign without it removing the formatting/styles.

iviansur commented
This is really annoying. It works when copying text from InDesign and pasting it into Illustrator, but not the other way around.
Scott Falkner commented
This is yet another baffling example of Adobe’s incompetence. See also most of Illustrator. This is a suite of programs and there is no way to retain formatting when copying something as simple as text between applications. This is a disgrace.
Greg commented
Can't believe only 11 people are with you on this Caroline! If memory serves me this text formatting compatibility was in fact a feature of the original InDesign program - because it makes perfect sense! Certainly for someone like me - a designer who often incorporates Illustrator's artwork functionalities in their page layout design. My guess is Adobe soon realized that they needed to give designers a better reason to purchase both programs, so building in different text engines was one way to do that. From a designer's standpoint it would have been much better if they would have incorporated InDesign's page layout features into their existing Illustrator program - or vice versa. One program that does it all, akin to the old Macromedia Freehand which Adobe bought and discarded so as to remove from competition back in the early/mid 2000s.
Synth commented
Honestly, this isn't resolved yet? I'm trying to transition a multi-page document from Illustrator to InDesign and without this feature the task is going to be agonizing. It feels like such a baseline function that I'm mystified it's not available.
Actually, it's antagonizing.
Derek commented
Heck, there isn't even an option to copy and paste text while maintaining formatting in Illustrator. Despite hundreds of upvotes in other feature request threads. This is one of many features that needs to be added to Illustrator. It's beyond me that this is still not available.
Another option should be to apply the styling of one paragraph to other paragraphs. I have a dozen paragraphs of text on a label design. The client requested a few styling changes. Having to manually update each paragraph is a huge time waster.
Why not simply offer a "paste and match style" option as well as a "apply paragraph styling to all paragraphs" option? Simple. Yet I'm not holding my breath since Adobe never listens to it's customers or fixes blatant bugs. I guess when you have a monopoly in the professional design industry, customer satisfaction no longer matters.