Split View on Mac
Split View on MAC, allows for full screen view while running 2 apps, with ability to interact with both sides of the screen. Its available on all apps, except Abode! I check PS and AI - they both don't work in this view.

Adobeln commented
As a graphic design student I use Adobe Illustrator almost every day. I have been using PC since 2 years and I never faced the problem with Illustrator.
But now that I bought MacBook Air, non of the adobe apps so does Illustrator doesn’t support split screen view on MacBook Air. I even contacted Adobe customer support agent they couldn’t even fix that.It would be life saving if the Adobe team could make apps support split screen view on Mac. It makes it so hard and frustrating not be able to work with 2 apps side by side.
Madison Perkins commented
it's important if you DON'T have two monitors, and would like to work from a tutorial and not waste time going back and forth
Carrie commented
Come on Adobe. This is basic functionality now. Would it help if we said pretty please?
Kave Nikinezhad commented
Please add this feature
Anonymous commented
Is it possible to have different Illustrator windows on 2 separate desktops with the Split View functionality?
Melissa commented
very frustrating not being able to utilize split screen. Seems as though this should be a basic feature for the cost.
Sandy commented
I definitely agree with this ! Adobe need to change this.
Sher commented
Agreed. Not having split screen is driving my batty.
Anonymous commented
Yes, totally agree with existing comments. Constantly switching between Ai. Ps and InD on my Mac Pro
Anonymous commented
I whole-heartedly agree with this suggestion!!! I’m a scientist and need to be able to toggle between raw data and processed images constantly, and it’s so frustrating to not be able to just use the Mac split window feature. PLEASE add this!!
J. Silva commented
Can you please consider adding the split-screen view to your softwares, predominantly Ai, Ps & Id. It is pretty hard to follow up with online classes/tutorials from Udemy, YouTube, Domestika if I have to keep switching windows back and forth and it is really frustrating. Help us Designers tackle tasks easier and more effective during this pandemic and busy workload
Georgie commented
I completely agree. I need spilt screen on adobe products - please add this feature
Anya Gorban commented
Please add this feature. So essential for designers.
Anonymous commented
I second this request. For what we pay for the tiny trickle of improvements over the years. Dear god.
Jeff Hardy commented
Unreal that Adobe can't even add Split Screen feature when everyone else has—and at the cost we pay to use it.
Jeff D commented
It would be nice if Adobe made macOS-native apps instead of whatever they're doing. Then full- and split-screen apps would be possible. (Illustrator has a full-screen mode but it lacks the features of macOS-native apps, e.g., showing the OS menu bar on hover, showing "search help" on cmd+/, automatically creating a new desktop space, etc.)