The Color panel pops up when you click on stroke/fill selector
The Color panel pops up every time you click on the stroke or fill selectors. There is no way to disable this panel from popping up, even if you close it, it will open and come to the forefront. Many of us don't need or use the color panel; we use the swatches or other panel. Why is this panel being forced on those of us who don't use/want it?

Fayne commented
When I click on the stroke selector, I would like the swatches panel to open, specifically the custom swatches I have created as a set which are persistent.
I don't want the colour picking panel to pop up, ever.
The colour picking panel could offer a change in setting: "Toggle: open swatch panel instead, when picking colours"
It would then be easy to switch it back and forth if it was required, right within the panel that had just opened, which seems intuitive. -
Raina commented
Thiiissssss - it's SO annoying.
Brady commented
When I switch from stoke to fill, it wastes my time to have to click back to the Swatches panel. Why does it switch. I never asked for this and I never use the color panel it switches to.
Adam commented
This popup is sooooo annoying...
Kelly Gibson commented
Exactly! I'm developing a really hatred for this color panel. I am visually impaired and keep my computer and programs settings so everything is very large. This often really lessens my work space. But i deal, because otherwise i can't see comfortably.
So this **** extra panel that I cannot stop from popping up takes up a HUGE chunk of my screen and seriously hinders my work. As a half blind professional illustrator, please, please fix this.
Bagha Shams commented
> Alex commented · November 01, 2019 17:03
> Right click the color panel and deselect "auto-show hidden panels." Worked for me...Alex, that does not work. The color panel still pops up as described in this post.
Alex commented
Right click the color panel and deselect "auto-show hidden panels." Worked for me...
Brian Leonard commented
I was experiencing what I believe to be the same issue. Every time I would click on the stroke/fill selector to toggle between them... the color selector would pop up right in my face. I run two monitors and had the color selector and a few other panels on my second monitor to make room for the art board. I moved the color selector panel back into the primary monitor (same as primary Illustrator toolbars) and now I can toggle between stroke and fill without anything popping up. Hope this helps!
Tara commented
Has this been fixed?? Is there a way to make it stop? SOO annoying and slowing me down.
TT Kiker commented
This "feature" is so annoying. If I want this to be a part of my workspace, please let me choose it like I do with the other panels/palettes. It usually pops up exactly over what I need to be looking at.
RSummers commented
When you click on the color picker on the left, the Color Window forces itself open on the right, displacing windows you're actually using.
There needs to be a way to prevent windows from opening, because this and other window pop-ups are seriously inhibiting my workflow. Every 5-10 minutes, I have to go over and clear 1-3 pointless windows just so that I can see the windows I need. FIX THIS, PLEASE.
Bagha Shams commented
I don't use the color panel and I never will. I don't want it on my screen ever. But whenever I click between fill or stroke, the color panel pops up. So my only choice is to always have it on my screen, overriding other panels that I prefer. Please stop forcing this annoying panel on us and fix this bug!