MacOS Full Screen Mode
Utilization of the OS level window management to perform and launch full screen mode like the vast majority of all other apps.

Jaka commented
Photoshop and premiere pro are native fullscreen, why on earth is not illustrator?
Karel Schoonejans commented
It's super annoying using Adobe apps in different spaces with multiple displays. Sometimes you start Illustrator by clicking an Illustrator file on one display but then the color convert dialog pops up on a different display and sometimes behind other apps or other full screen apps, so you have to flip through all the spaces to find that particular popup dialog to click it off.
Zach commented
Please add this feature. For many years now, Illustrator (among other Adobe apps) frequently gets stuck off-screen when I disconnect or reconnect my laptop to an external display. Adobe apps are the only ones I use that seem to behave this way and it slows down my productivity.
K commented
Come on man. Just do it. What a truly pathetic spectacle.
Chris commented
Adding to this. This is basic macOS functionality, and has been around for about 10 years now. It's a core reason why I, and possibly others, take a dim view of Adobe now when many years ago, that was not the case. Well, I mean, that, and sluggish performance every version for no discernible gain, and changing long-standing features right out from under people with no explanation or UI to change it back, but, no full screen really is the cherry.
Every.Single.Other application I use can go into (REAL, Mac) fullscreen mode, and remembers if it was previously in that mode. It opens in another space, so I will have my desktop available. No so in Illustrator, InDesign Photoshop etc. It's disruptive. It's also just... a little bit of a joke. That a professional, expensive suite of apps has decided to go down it's own path with UI... and it's not even better, it's worse!
Piasecki commented
macOS native full-screen mode is a must-have feature for all Adobe apps that can facilitate UX for literally all Mac users.
lrodrigopb commented
This feature is way overdue. To have apps not fully adapted to the macOS window management system sets Adobe behind most other developers, plus they haven't given any reason why this hasn't been implemented.
Kaloian Toshev commented
Please make illustrator go native fullscreen on OSX. Now when I click the button to make it fullscreen it just expands as much as it can but never goes OSX native fullscreen. This prevents me from using that extra space that I need so much on smaller screens...
Maxim Krušina commented
It doesn't matter what I just write here because Adobe has developed absolutely unique way to ignore any user requests, ideas, feedback, wishes... and doesn't care about any UI standards anymore.
Paul Kretschel commented
I agree with David Goss. Illustrator's UI should become more like XD (same goes for Photoshop). The inconsistencies in the UI are very annoying and especially embarrassing for a company that provides tools which are supposed to design good user interfaces. Please fix this before you do anything else Adobe. It's only going to get harder if you add more features.
David Goss commented
It's boggling that XD supports this, but not Illustrator. Being able to use an application full screen and 3-finger swipe is great on a laptop. Loosing screen real estate for an application like Illustrator is very frustrating.
Bryon Holmes commented
If that is the case, Adobe should tale a lesson from Affinity. They are able to support both operating systems and support full screen mode for MacOs
Anonymous commented
Could it be that it's not done simply because a similar option is not available in the Windows operating system?
Anonymous commented
This really needs to happen. Not having full screen mode totally cripples a workflow. I own the Affinity apps as well (in which this works perfecty) and I find myself using them as much as I possibly can. If work didn't subscribe to Adobe CC, I cretainly would not purchse it myself.
JPG commented
This should be an easy addition. Get your thing together, Adobe.
Chris Thurrott commented
Please make this standard. It's just glaringly broken, especially in a workflow with XD working properly.
Anonymous commented
I wanted to illustrate one part of why no fullscreen sucks (the waste of significant vertical screen space). And if it's a visualization problem, I made a mockup of what the app might look like in fullscreen. Note the top right corner, where certain elements have been condensed.
Anonymous commented
+1 for native Mac fullscreen support! Not having this is completely ridiculous, it's a core MacOS feature and integral to how I use apps on my Mac (all apps in fullscreen mode, navigate between apps by navigating between desktops). Literally the biggest reason I can't stand having to open Adobe apps.
Aaron Ellis commented
Adobe, this is really disappointing. It's common among all competing software. One of the most annoying parts of the workaround of placing it faux full-screen on its own desktop, is that and dialogue can still pop up on another screen. Say I select a shape and double click the color picker... I usually have to go searching for the dialogue on my other desktops. (using multiple monitors). Blend mode settings, or any other tool settings does the same.
I see no benefit in my workflow to not including this functionality.
Tyler Williams commented
Adobe, please restore the basic OS Full-Screen functionality. We do not understand why this change was introduced and do not see the benefit. Work Spaces are nice but should not come at the cost of this useful function.
I use full screen to quickly maneuver between apps. On Mac, a simple three finger lateral swipe moves between open apps, which is super handy. This is valuable functionality.