Live preview of gradient (while dragging)
Whenever I'm using the gradient tool I wonder why I can never see the appearance of the gradient while dragging it. resulting in having to tweak it at least a couple of times before I'm content.

Illustrator now displays the appearance of the gradient interactively when you drag it, but only when GPU preview is on.
Make sure it is on in Preferences > Performance > GPU Performance, that you View > Preview on CPU / GPU Preview is correctly toggled, and that you are not using Overprint Preview.
If the issue still persists with all these checked — please comment back.
Ton commented
Solved in recent versions.
Joseph Lombardo commented
Worked in 2019, now it doesnt. I rely on this on a daily basis.
Ton commented
Worked in 2019, stopped working in 2020.
黃永志 commented
I have the same problem. hope someone can help me.