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  1. 29 votes
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    Ton commented  · 

    Or is it Photoshop that is rounding numbers? If I rasterize the placed file that gives the fractions in Illustrator and export that file from Illustrator as .tif, Photoshop will show the same rounded numbers it started with. Photoshop will not allow fractions and force round numbers when you try to enter percentages like 69,8%. CMYK values go from 0-100 while image values have a range from 0-255.

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    Ton commented  · 

    The eyedropper could always pick the right color when the image was embedded. Now the eyedropper picks the right color because... it silently embeds the linked image when clicking the image with the eyedropper.

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    Ton commented  · 

    Same problem, I would suggest to merge them.

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    Ton commented  · 

    Embed the image and the eyedropper picks up the values from the image.
    When the image is linked Illustrator picks the values from your monitor screen representation.

  2. 10 votes
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  3. 5 votes
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    Ton commented  · 

    Works in beta!

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    Ton commented  · 

    Export for screens work as expected, export as makes the pixel amount 10 X smaller.

  4. 15 votes
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    Ton commented  · 

    @Marilyn, nice tip to undock the Control Panel. But it should be fixed.

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    Ton commented  · 

    In this forum post it was mentioned that disabeling the Control panel makes the the preview appear.
    See screenrecording

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    Ton commented  · 

    @merry-cox if that does not work for you, try Export for Screens.

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    Ton commented  · 

    Preview is empty, but export works. Happens on all files 28.3

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  5. 17 votes
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    Ton commented  · 

    Group some objects, in this case 3 rectangles.
    Rotate one of the rectangles in the group.
    Rotate the group: Bounding Box reset.

  6. 10 votes
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  7. 8 votes
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  8. 31 votes
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    Ton commented  · 

    But it also goes wrong the other way around: Pantone Solid Spot colors added from Illustrator to a CC Library lose their name and become Process colors in Illustrator. It just takes a couple of clicks (not predictable how many, but it always destroys the spot in the end) to transfer the spot to process. Then the library color is permanently changed. Illustrator does change the library color.

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    Ton commented  · 

    To add to what Egor said, spot color (actually every color added by Illustrator is not color managed, just a bunch of numbers) loses its Lab values. But Illustrator also destroys the colors in a CC Library. I rerecorded the steps and added a new one: once the color has become process magenta in the swatches, double clicking the color in the library changes it permanently to magenta. Switch back to InDesign shows a Process Magenta Pantone Blue...

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    Ton commented  · 

    This is not fixed after 7 years waiting. Create a Spot in InDesign, add it to a library. Add the color in a New InDesign doc by filling a rectangle, add the color by adding it to the swatches, works fine.
    Go to Illustrator, create a new document, double click the spot and it becomes a magenta process color.

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    Ton commented  · 

    If Global Colors are still not supported after 6 years, prevent them being added to a CC library.
    There is no warning when the box is checked.

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    Ton commented  · 

    See this example.

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    Ton commented  · 

    It is not only spot colors from InDesign that become magenta, Global colors from Illustrator have the same problem.

    An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment
    Ton commented  · 

    It currently also happens with Global RGB colors added to the CC library. When added to another document from the CC library, they lose their name and become a magenta spot color.

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    Ton commented  · 

    Spot in Illustrator

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    Ton commented  · 

    This is still not solved:
    Create a Pantone Spot color swatch in InDesign (I used 321 C for sentimental reasons) and add it to a CC Library.
    Switch to Illustrator, double click the swatch in the CC Library to add it to the Swatches panel.
    It becomes a Global Process Color CMYK Swatch as 100% Magenta instead of a green Spot color.

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    Ton commented  · 
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  9. 14 votes
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  10. 849 votes
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    We have released the support for Gradient swatches in CC library with our latest release - v29.3

    You can select the gradient swatch in swatches panel and add it to CC Library through the button on the bottom bar in the panel. You can also select any object which has gradient applied and add that gradient to CC Library through Add Elements from the Libraries panel and choose Fill Gradient from the drop-down menu.

    Please update to this version from your Creative Cloud Desktop application and let us know your feedback.

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    Ton commented  · 

    Julie, yes InDesign does not seem to support the gradients, but Photoshop does (on a layer).

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    Ton commented  · 

    @mark, yes it should not be limited to gradients but there are workarounds:
    Global colors, gradients, brushes and pattern swatches are not supported in CC libraries.
    But as a workaround you can drag an object using a brush/pattern/gradient/global color to the CC Library
    You can also drag multiple items using different brushes/patterns/gradients/global colors together into a CC library to simulate a library.
    The easiest way to add them to a new document is to hold down the Alt key when you drag them from the library and place them in a new document. The patterns/gradients/global colors automatically get added to your swatches panel.
    You can hit escape before you click to place the object(s) or delete the dragged library items because the swatches and brushes are now part of the document.

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  11. 2 votes
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    Ton commented  · 

    There are some movies in the links I shared. One of them starts with your problem:
    Double click a Spot Swatch in the Library, click OK.
    Color gets added to the swatches as Spot (although the Color Mode has become CMYK).

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    Ton commented  · 

    Color and CC Libraries do not go well together. Colors added are not color managed and spot and global colors will give you surprises, like being converted to magenta, lose their name, become process instead of Lab. Yes, the workaround is to create objects filled with the color and Alt drag them onto an artboard.

  12. 94 votes
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    Hi Everyone,

    The fix has been rolled out and is available in our latest release build – 29.3.0 which is available worldwide now.

    Illustrator will now preserve Global colors newly added to CC Library from this release onwards.

    What’s new in 29.3:

    You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:

    Thank you for all the feedback.

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    Ton commented  · 

    Yes, Robbe it seems to only fix new additions from the beta to a CC library. Let's hope all the older ones will get fixed.

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    Ton commented  · 

    The problem is not fixed in the 29.4.37 beta

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    Ton commented  · 

    Still the same problems. Global Colors become magenta, create empty group folders. Spots lose their name, lose Lab description and become regular process colors

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    Ton commented  · 

    Another post on the AI forum:

    If you right click a color group (containing global colors) and select “Add Theme to Swatches”, it creates an empty folder in the Swatches panel. If you create and select an object (like a rectangle) and click on a color in the global color group, it does not fill the object, but adds a magenta Spot color to the Swatches panel.

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    Ton commented  · 
    An error occurred while saving the comment
    Ton commented  · 

    Still not working. They don't get added twice, but that's it. You would expect a seamles, color managed exchange of colors (and other swatches) between CC apps...
    This is the description of what is shown in the movie.
    In Illustrator.
    Create a new CMYK file.
    Create a spot color and add it to a CC library. Close the document

    Create a new CMYK file.
    Just Double click a Spot Swatch in the Library, click OK.
    Color gets added to the swatches as Spot (although the Color Mode has become CMYK).

    Create a new CMYK file.
    Draw a rectangle.
    Click the Spot color in the CC library.
    No color added to Swatches, color fill becomes Process.
    After that the color in the Library has permanently changed.

    Spots added from Illustrator show CMYK values in CC Library.
    Spots added from InDesign show Lab values in CC Library (and become added to swatches as 100% magenta process color when double clicked in Illustrator).

    Double click a Global CMYK Swatch in the Library.
    Color gets added to the swatches as a 100% Magenta Spot color.

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    Ton commented  · 

    This one: Spots become Process Magenta is still not solved:

    Create a Pantone Spot color swatch in InDesign (I used 321 C for sentimental reasons) and add it to a CC Library.
    Switch to Illustrator, double click the swatch in the CC Library to add it to the Swatches panel.
    It becomes a Global Process Color CMYK Swatch as 100% Magenta instead of a green Spot color.

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    Ton commented  · 

    Thanks Molly,
    After reading Peter Maas comments, I went back and the color that behaved well first, lost its name and became a normal process color. It seems that it works the first couple of times after the global color is added but then changes to a non global not custom named color.

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    Ton commented  · 

    InDesign swatches are always global.

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    Ton commented  · 

    @Nana, you can convert spot to process by selecting your objects and choosing: Edt > Edit Colors > Convert to CMYK

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    Ton commented  · 

    Thanks for looking into it. Related to this other problem:
    Global Process Colors get added twice when added from a CC library, lose their name and become Spot colors.

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    Ton commented  · 

    More users experiencing this problem:

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    Ton commented  · 

    Create a Global Process Color Swatch
    Add it to a CC Library.
    Use it in another document.
    The process color has become a Spot color.
    AI 21.1.0 MacOS Sierra 10.12.16

  13. 3 votes
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    Ton commented  · 

    An option to (numerically) customize the transformation point would be welcome in every place where the reference point can be set.

  14. 16 votes
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  15. 38 votes
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    Hi Everyone,

    The fix has been rolled out and is available in our latest release build – 29.3.0 which is available worldwide now.

    Illustrator will now allows to change gradients of the Live Paint selections, using Gradient tool.

    The annotator won’t show up when you do this, but you will see the changes immediately if you have GPU Preview and Real-Time Drawing and Editing options enabled in Preferences.

    What’s new in 29.3:

    You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:

    Thank you for all the feedback.

    An error occurred while saving the comment
    Ton commented  · 

    Just tried it. I am very happy that it finally works after more than 6 years!

    An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment
    Ton commented  · 

    "I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our release – 24.0.2 which is available worldwide now."
    Current version is 24.1 and the problem is still there...

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  16. 5 votes
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  17. 3 votes
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    Ton commented  · 

    Egor, I cannot remember when this started, but there are more problems with grayscale in Illustrator, although one mentioned in this report seems to be solved:

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    Ton commented  · 

    And when pasted from an RGB document into a CMYK Document, the same Grayscale percentages display lighter. See second attachment.

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  18. 4 votes
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    Ton commented  · 

    The "In a CMYK document embedded greyscale images become darker" problem seems solved in the 2025 version, but can be repeated in 2024.

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    Ton commented  · 

    Looks like the greyscale image when embedded is converted to RGB in the PDF.

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    Ton commented  · 

    Because a bug has only 2 votes, it should not be ignored. 2024 still the same problem.

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  19. 8 votes
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  20. 33 votes
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    Ton commented  · 

    And dragging an image from a browser will change the document color profile too.

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    Ton commented  · 

    Still happening, also when dragging an image with a different profile from Photoshop into Illustrator.
    So the title does not cover all problems, not only a screendump, but also Photoshop files can change the Illustrator Document Color Profile.

    An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment
    Ton commented  · 

    Drag & Drop (if you can) still can modify the Document color profile in this beta.

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    Ton commented  · 

    Dragging an image from Photoshop with a different profile than the Illustrator Document Color Profile into an Illustrator document will change the color profile of the document into that of the image.
    No warnings given even if the Color Settings are set up to warn.
    See this forum topic:

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