Scale Percentage to automatically tell you the Percent of Increase or Decrease in the Object's Size
Enhancing the Scale tool so that it automatically tells you the Percent of Increase or Decrease in the Objects Size. When scaling elements in Illustrator I cannot always select all and type in 10 inches and have it be what I need. In the attached Image I need the letter T to equal 10 inches in height and scale the other letters up accordingly. So I take the size of the "T" and now have to manually calculate the percent of increase from 4.691” to 10”.
With an improved Scaling Tool it would be nice to see what that percentage is right away so that it can be applied to the rest of the layout. In the attached image you can see that the Percent Increase needed is 213.2.
Thank you for your time and consideration.

There is a plugin, ToolShed, by RJ Graffix:
It has a dedicated command, Object > Transform > Scale To Proportion, which can somewhat help with the task. It’s not a full copy of this other dialog, but it saves some computational steps. -
Anonymous commented
Yes that gets a thumbs up from me
Anonymous commented
is this a thing yet? I can't believe this isn't available in Adobe Illustrator.
Anonymous commented
I AGREE! I can't believe this isn't a "thing" already. I want to know when I have resized something, how much I've resized it.