Search field in Graphic Styles palette
I draw comics, and use Graphic Styles a lot. They let me give names to anything from flat fills to complex appearance stacks with multiple fills, strokes, and effects.
But once I've loaded in the styles for a full page, with multiple characters, background parts, and whatnot, the Graphic Styles palette starts to get pretty unwieldy. The attached screenshot is the entire height of my laptop screen; note how small the slider handle is!
I've put effort into giving all of these sensible names. It'd be lovely to be able to use that by having a search bar at the top or bottom of the palette that I can type text into, and find all of the styles whose name is a partial match!
There might also be a 'show search box' control in the Graphic Styles palette's menu; it could also be something that shows up when you use the little arrows on the left of a palette's name to expand it and show extra controls. Some people are really protective of vertical space in their palette setup; remember the grumbling about adding the Touch Type tool to the top of the Character palette?