Align to x-height / Cap height, align to effects' bounds
Hey! Illustrator rocks!! I am a professionnal user and I have to tell you that the software is really awesome!!!
As a graphic designer (specialized in UI) I have to align stuff all the time:
1- I would like to to be able to align the text to x-height inside a box rapidly. ( for instance the words inside a button )
2-It would be nice to be able to align the stuff that has been duplicated with the Transformation... tool
For now in both case I would have to decompose a duplicate of the transformed shape and manage to make it the same size of the is doable but it is a bit of a pain!
Thank you

iviansur commented
Bobby Henderson commented
Just bumping this topic to bring up the idea of aligning text objects via their baselines and how that could solve a lot of problems. Sorry for the late response. The rival vector graphics app I was referring to (in that post from over a year ago) is CorelDRAW. Its Align/Distribute palette has options to align text objects to other objects via the baseline. Multiple text objects can be aligned or distributed via their baselines. Multi-line objects can be aligned to other objects via the first or last baseline. Those options can save a lot of time. If these kinds of options were available in conjunction with Illustrator's font height options it could make a lot of sign design style tasks much easier and faster to complete.
Bobby, what is that rival app you are referring to?
Bobby Henderson commented
I, too, would like to see options to align text objects to other objects via cap height or x-height. At the very least Adobe Illustrator should allow text objects to be aligned to other objects via the baseline. At least one rival vector drawing application does this; in addition it offers first baseline and last baseline alignment to other objects for multi-line strings or blocks of text.
Turning on snapping functions and using Smart Guides is a sort of okay work-around. But it requires the user to manually move the objects. Clicking a button or keyboard shortcut to execute the command would be far faster and more precise.
You can!
View > Snap to Glyph (and make sure you have Smart Guides on too).
Does it work for you? -
Anonymous commented
It would be incredibly useful to be able to align live text to other elements by cap height, x-height, baseline, descender/ ascender etc... and of course while ignoring sidebearings/ metrics/ spacing.
Similar to hanging quotations/ punctuation horizontally, it's often useful to treat descenders, ascenders, caps etc... similarly. It's something I compensate for nearly every day at work, and it seems like it'd be simple math for AI.
Anonymous commented
It would be amazing if there were an option to Align to Cap Height similar to Align to Glyph Bounds released in the August 2020 update.
If you have separate bits of text that you are trying to align to the same object, the result can be jumbled depending on the types of letterforms you include. It would be nice to have the option for text to align the same no matter if you have ascenders, descenders, curved forms, etc.