Paragraph shading, borders, rules
Can we get Paragraph Shading and Border like InDesign?
Right now I am forced to draw a rectangle behind the text I intend to highlight.

Esther Sucre commented
This is critical in order to be able to maintain text flow intact when working with multiple paragraphs and linked text boxes. Without this, text flowing in illustrator is pretty useless.
SC Abbot commented
Apparently people have been asking since (at least) 2016. It’s been in InDesign Paragraph Styles forever
And please allow assigning a graphic style to style them
Angela Rabideau commented
This is critical in production when indesign is not being used.
Ali Steward commented
I totally agree!!! would be so handy!
Lynvick commented
That would be so helpful.
Anonymous commented
Please add paragraph rules, like InDesign. This would make creating nutrition facts on package designs much easier than having to manually draw them.