Remember save locations and export naming conventions on a per-file basis.
Currently, Illustrator does not remember where you saved your files last and always defaults to the folder that your source file is in. I would prefer if it were to remember export locations on a per-file basis.
Similarly, with Export for Screens, the prefix and suffix options should be part of the individual file's metadata, not set globally.
v 22.1, MacOS

Jack Brannen commented
This is a major and obvious shortcoming. Frustrating that we even have to raise it.
Don Engel commented
Agreed, especially as we are an org that has a lot of templatized assets, this would be GREAT. IE, I want to be able to set a "fix" (in fact, I'd like a toggle for whether exports pre or append the name), an option to define a separator character (underscore, dash, or none) and finally the ability to use variable names ($date, $langguage, etc).
But for sure the prefix needs to be moved into the file itself to enforce name standards.
Lynn Stoecklein commented
Please give us a choice for save location in preferences or at least go to the parent folder from the file source as the default. Why would something this basic change??
Felix Terpstra commented
Totally agree with this, vote here too:
Jeremy bolesky commented
"the prefix and suffix options should be part of the individual file's metadata, not set globally."
YES! This is especially relevant when creating a large number of assets for animated ads. If I switch from the 300x250 document to the 160x600 document, I have to remember to change the suffix every time. This gets to be a big deal when making changes to a lot of sizes. -
Anonymous commented
Yours is more detailed! Nice job. Voted.
Vladimir Schneider commented
Did not see this when I added my suggestion. We are both asking for the same thing as far as export to directory setting being a per file setting instead of global.