Set export options to default to the same folder the native is housed in
Set default export or save as locations to start in the same folder as the native Ai file as opposed to previous locations. It can be rather cumbersome when switching to an entirely new project, then exporting that project and having the 'save as' default to the entirely other project's recent save.

Vladimir Schneider commented
The file's export directory should be set to the directory of the file itself when the file is created.
That way the initial export directory for a file can be either the global export directory (last used) or the file's directory if the "Use last export directory for this file" is selected.
This is to address suggestion:
Vladimir Schneider commented
Similar to my request that the ExportTo directory be stored in the illustrator file instead of globally. That way it can be set once on first export. I will add this suggestion to mine so both can be addressed.
Vladimir Schneider commented
Currently, Export Artboards' ExportTo directory is a per Application setting and changes for all subsequent ExportTo actions.
It really should be a per Illustrator File setting so that exporting art boards from a file defaults to last export directory used for this file.
To support both per file and per application behaviours:
1. Add a checkbox next to the ExportTo: directory field: "Use last export directory for this file" with the state of this check box is saved in the Illustrator file so it does not need to be changed after the first export.
If selected shows the file's export to directory setting, otherwise shows the application's export to directory setting.
2. Editing/Changing ExportTo directory always updates application's and the file's ExportTo directory setting regardless of the checkbox state of 1.
I use Illustrator files to generate application icons, with each art board in the file representing an icon in the application. Each application has its own icons directory which is used as the ExportTo directory for the art boards.
All is good if I am working on a single file. However, when I switch to a file for a different application then the export to directory needs to be changed on first export to the location of this application's icons.
Forgetting to do this will result in corrupting the application icons directory with unrelated icons or worse overwriting icons with the wrong ones if both applications share an icon file name.
This is a real PITA. The export to directory for should be stored as part of the illustrator file so that it is always the default export directory for this file's art boards.