Guidelines for artboards and transformation options
You should be able to have a ruler for every artboard you work on (with an option to turn it on or off).
Also, artboard should have their own guidelines, that does not extend beyond bleeding area of the artboard. These guidelines should copy automatic to the new artboard when you copy the artboard with Option-Drag.
Also, when selectable, the Guideline should have the transform options in transform panel (a rotation and size would be an excellent option)
There are some workarounds to this.
We can have 'short' guides, limited with the current artboard — switch to Artboard tool and then drag a guide from a ruler.As for the rulers — alas, to see a local ruler, we can no only switch rulers with 'Change to Artboard Rulers' in the context menu for the zero point of rulers (or in View > Rulers menu).
Copying guides is a different beast as well. Unlike InDesign, where guides are 'angles', guides in Illustrator are just objects with a special label, and can be treated like objects (and this allows to make any object into a guide, something InDesign fails at). So it can be worked around, but requires a lot of manual hassle.
As for the transformation controls — guides have them already. Please elaborate on this.
Unfortunately UserVoice does not allow splitting ideas easily.
Please log new ideas on one request per entry basis from now on :)