The home button should NOT be where "File" is on every other program ever.
Illustrator 23.0 has the home button where everyone goes to click File. This is muscle memory and I have clicked that worthless home button 6 times this morning alone. None of the other programs have made this change and it is very frustrating. Please allow the user to move or remove the Home Button.
Brian commented
Totally agree with this. I have no idea who thought this was a good idea. I suspect it was Marketing, something like "Hey let's put the home button here where File is so people accidentally click it and see our marketing messages whether they want to or not!" It has no usability advantage whatsoever over CRTL+N or File > New and is getting in the way of work rather than helping us do our work. This is supposed to be professional-grade software, please act like it.
Anonymous commented
This is driving me crazy. EVERY time I go to save a file, I accidentally hit the home button due to years of using Illustrator every day with 'file' being in that space. Please add an option to disable it!
Joe commented
Finally updated to Illustrator 2019 and this so far is my biggest annoyance. Needs to be removed, movable, or at least put to the right side. Not where every program ever has the File menu. I'm not even sure why anyone would use it, I know we won't.
Edu Couchez commented
I had the same problem when working in Windows. Now I'm working on Mac and there is no "Home" icon... instead there is an "Illustrator" text. Not a good usability solution for "agnostic" designers that are jumping from Mac to PC...
anyway, I wish all Illustrator usability fails were as easy than these!
Donna commented
i totally agree with this