Hot key to cycle through objects when many are close together or stacked and you select one of them...
When zoomed out, or there are many objects in the same area, it would be nice if I could select one, and then hit a hot-key to cycle between other objects that are nearby, or behind the selected object. Right now, I have to lock or hide the selected object to be able to select another one that is very close or behind it.

Illustrator allows it in a way, if you have 'Control Click to Select Objects Behind' enabled in Preferences > Selection & Anchor Display... but it won’t work if you click into the anchor or even the edge, which will surely happen if objects are close... you have to click the fill only :(
Rehan Ali commented
use affinity designer , drop illustrator
Anonymous commented
Also, as a default, the lowest layer should be selected as the key object first, then you are able to click on something above it if you want.