Export Individual Layers separately
Now we can only export the multiple art boards on one layer at a time. Please make it possible to select more than one layer and export those to files.
It would save a ton of time when we have multiple images to export from like dartboards stacked up on multiple layers.

Jan Vork commented
I use Ai often as a texture-creator.
I create layers for color, bump, normal, reflection etc. to import in Cinema4D.Since export to .psd / Write Layers does not work in every case, it would be nice to have the possibility to export Layers as separate images.
T.Kad commented
Please allow the option for illustrator/Photoshop/inDesign to export individual layers (cropped or uncropped) + ALSO export selected layers only AND/OR grouped layers only (cropped or uncropped).
Also; Please add a "solo" view layers button. -
Anonymous commented
export visible artwork and automatically name it same as the selected layer
John commented
Great that someone made a script and I appreciate that. I appreciate the link.
This seems like a functionality that should be part of AI anyway. My "Suggestion / Request" stands.
Scott Falkner commented
Look into the Smart Layer Export script. It’s very useful and powerful.