Allow to add / place / drag-n-drop several / multiple symbols to the canvas / artboard at once
Being able to select more than one symbol from the symbol library and adding to the canvas. Instead of mousing back and forth repeatedly.
The way the Library panel works is great. You can select multiple objects and drag to the canvas, placing each at the desired location, quick and easy.
This would be a great function for the symbols panel.

Anonymous commented
This would be very useful in my companies use of Illustrator.
Sergey Osokin commented
Perhaps the PlaceSymbols script will help you:
One of its functions is to place multiple symbols selected in the list on the canvas(Edited by admin) -
TT Kiker commented
I have a template with frequently used icons in the symbols palette. I would like the ability to select multiple icons in the symbols palette and drag them to the artboard at the same time.
Now, when I select several symbols in the palette and try to drag, I only get one of them on the artboard.
Being able to drag several simultaneously will save time AND wear and tear on the wrist. -
There is a related request about the ability to create symbols from multiple objects at once: -
If I select several symbols in Symbols panel and then try to place all of them on canvas, by dragging them, I get only one of them placed — the one I dragged the selection by...
...but why? Why can’t I have all those symbols I selected?
Also vote for the related request, about breaking links to several symbols at once: