Save PDF to file size [Target File Size]
It would be very helpful to have a save to File Size option when saving illustrator files (and inDesign Files).
Smallest and Highest are nice to have, but when eMailing a PDF, these two arbitrary sizes can be useless.
As a general rule 10MB is the max size attachment for an email.
Rather than selecting SMALLEST saving it to determine the file size, then Saving it again and going into compression and guessing how much more resolution one can eek out of the compression it would be nice to have a "Target File Size"
I'm guessing this might require some background processing, which could slow down the whole saving process a little. this might be bothersome for some people, so if this could be implement, it should be done so with a turn off option.

Sol commented
It would be great if we could EXPORT .ai docs as PDF, like many have suggested, but also that when you do that, to choose the size the PDF file will have, like in Photoshop. I work on huge illustrations, and sometimes I need just a smaller PDF to share or print, and the workflow to do this is a hassle: save as pdf, open on photoshop, resize there, hope for the best, or open on acrobat, use the very flaky preflight fixes. please use the truckloads of CC subscription money to actually make the product better instead of only more buggy.