Make live hint with color values for the Eyedropper tool
Right now clicking with Eyedropper results in a blind result: until it's clicked, there is no way to predict what will be picked exactly. Why not to show properties to be picked in floating thingy next to the cursor? PS does it great in separate panel, why AI can't steal that?
A free plugin solution exists:
If you open Color panel, pick standard Eyedropper tool, click and hold and move over the different elements, the panel shows you the color, in real-time.. but not the values of a spot color, just the name of it. So yeah, should be more than this, and a hint near a cursor is handy indeed. Voted.
Catherine L Farlow commented
A tool that if you click on an element in the file will show you the percentage of spot or process color being used in that spot. Make it live so you can move around easily and not pick up the art. Similar to the info panel in photoshop. We use a program called PackZ that does this. A screenshot of the use of the eyedropper is attached.
Steve Edwards commented
Please can you make the eyedropper work how Photoshop does so that when you hover the tool over your artwork, it shows the color values of what is under the cursor in the Info panel. You can get the info by clicking but would be really useful with gradients to see what that specific value is rather than it picking up the gradient when you click.