Chinese text hyphenation alignment for punctuation marks in Illustrator text box
Punctuation marks justified alignment on textbox.
Need to automate the text alignment in the textbox for Chinese characters.
Because it is very time consuming to do manual kerning for each characters reiteratively, whenever there is amendment to the text in the box.

As per the comment within, this can be resolved like this:
1. In Preferences > Type > enable Show East Asian Options
2. In Paragraph panel choose Avoid Head and Tail, Strict
Please comment back if it works or not for you.
onenower commented
1.Settings: Text - Display East Asian Text Options
2.Paragraph Panel - Avoid Head and Tail - Strict -
[Deleted User] commented
Hi Colin, seems we had the same problem, but Nat had an answer for this. check the sceenshots below
Anonymous commented
It’ll be great to have this feature for illustrator, can save a lot of time on kerning.