Change conversion of black when going from RGB to CMYK
Please change the default behavior when converting a file from RGB color space to CMYK color space to make RGB black convert to 100% black. Currently and for years, Illustrator converts it to a rich black, with high values in each ink. It's very common to have to take artwork created in RGB and covert it to CMYK for print, and the default conversion for black is never usable. Please make it practical and have 0,0,0, RGB black convert to Cyan 0, Magenta 0, Yellow 0, Black 100.
If you have converted a document from RGB to CMYK or vise versa, there is a way to modify the black Ai assigns when you hit D — since it is bound to the [Default Graphic Style] in Graphic Styles panel.
1. Create a rectangle
2. Hit D
3. Change the stroke of the stroke for this rectangle to the proper black you need (puro RGB 0-0-0 or CMYK 0-0-0-100, depending on your goal)
4. Open Graphics Styles panel
5. Drag this rectangle with Opt/Alt held over the [Default Graphic Style] item (usually it’s the very first one)
Done, your default black is now the one you defined.
You’d still have to modify the swatch.
Definitely Illustrator could have automated it and give users a choice to change these when they change the color mode of the document... but at least we can control it. -
However, it’s a fair and precise conversion within chosen color spaces, by numbers.. RGB black gets converted into rich black in CMYK (because CMYK 0-0-0-100 is not as deep), and CMYK black gets converted to a shallow black in RGB... it is expected, but surely is not welcome in most practical cases.
There is a broader request related to this problem: -
Bosse Kemper commented
When switching between color modes, CMYK to RGB or vice versa. The default black swatch needs to be adjusted to either 100 black when in CMYK or to #000000 when in RGB. Why is it not the default to use the absolute black in both modes, when converting. There is never a scenario where I need a dirty black in CMYK or a greyer black in RGB.
It would be really nice if this was an option in de preferences panel, under the options for black. That way you can choose between precise conversion and rich blacks.
True, this is very confusing, not only for inexperienced users. But as I see it, it means switching the document profile somehow, and it does not give seamless results, because a document profile can include so much more than just default colors.
Also it is not clear what to do with colors that are already used in a document... black is not a global swatch and it will be recalculated to a mixed ink anyway, which you will have to use Recolor or other approaches to fix...
So, it's not that easy.
Looking for more feedback and suggestions on that. -
What document profile do you choose when create a new document?
If you pick Print profile, the black is obviously CMYK 0-0-0-100 which is lighter than RGB 0-0-0. Choose Web profile instead, which has RGB swatches (just checked). -
Jan Vork commented
When creating a new document in RGB mode,
the default Black Swatch is not black....Please repair that. It's so annoying to have to change that manually each time.
Jan Vork commented
When Switching from RGB to CMYK, it would be very convenient when the Color Editor switches to CMYK as well, and when the default Swatches are set to relevant colors, such as pure black (C 0, M 0, Y 0, K 100).