Allow Color Coding for windows and tabs
I appreciate the many ways Adobe has updated the workspace in Illustrator to be as efficient as possible. However, one thing that I constantly find myself running into is the slight frustration of having to click, or read, or hotkey through the different tabs or windows in order to perform a new function or locate a file.
A project may require many windows in my workspace or I'm working with multiple files I'm having to bounce between.. I'm in a good creative workflow zipping through my project, and then, I find myself having to stop and do a little search for the little tab before I realize I need to scroll down, or it's been stacked with the Swatches, or it collapsed, or I need to go through each file, or whatever it may be to find what I'm looking for. Argh:(
At this point that flow has stopped and I'm met with slight frustration. It would be great if I could color code the actual tab to find it easier. I feel it would be as easy as seeing something from the corner of your eye and knowing exactly where to go for your next function and it feel intuitive.
It's something I've been wishing for a lot lately and thought why not write a request. Anyways, I hope there are others who feel this way or find this helpful.