Duplicate File
Like in Photoshop, I'd like an option in Illustrator to duplicate the entire file, opening the duplicate in a new tab.
Rob Hutchings commented
@Richard - Tony is describing the way the new feature should function, so that all you eventually should need to do is 'Right click on the tab and select Duplicate from the drop down menu'.
Richard commented
@TonyGray "right-click on tab and duplicate" - there is no such option in Illustrator, on the tab or anywhere else. In Photoshop, it's under the Image menu, not the tab (if showing as tabs). It sure would be nice for automation scripts that run destructive actions on the currently open document.
Tony Gray commented
right-click on tab and duplicate. that's what we want. Two clicks
Anonymous commented
Hi Samantha,
Not sure if you'll see this or not... but, select all the artwork on your artboard, copy it. (Ctrl C). Create a new file, the size isn't important, you see why in a minute. Anyway, when the new file opens past what you have on your clipboard. (Ctrl V).
You should now see 2 artboards in this new file, 1 board has the artwork you just pasted, the other is empty. Select the artboard tool, select the empty artboard, and delete it. : ) You now have an exact duplicate of the original file.
I think this is what you wanted.