Add an option to make the bottommost object a Key Object
Please add an option to the Align Panel to allow the user to change the default behaviour of "Align to Key Object".
Currently, the default Key Object is the topmost object. However, it's very rare that I don't want the complete opposite – ie. to align an object to its underlying container. If users were able to "Align to Key Object (Bottommost)", it would save an enormous amount of time and effort.

Rob Barrett commented
Honestly, I had no idea that was even a possibility. For how long has that been implemented in Illustrator?!
That looks like it would be very helpful in my workflow (thanks!), but it could still be useful in certain situations – like in your suggestion – to be able to change the default behaviour.
Indeed, the topmost object is used by default when you change the option to Align to Key Object in Align panel... But why don't you just click the object you want to use as a key, instead of clicking the button? or is it because the bottommost object is buried underneath other objects and you can’t see it?
Anonymous commented
I can rarely think of a time when I don't want the object on the furthest back layer being the key object. For the occasional time when you don't want that, you can just do as you do now and click once more to assign the key object.