Button to reveal a Layer on "Layer window"
Is there a possibility to create a right-clic option to "reveal on Layer window" from any object? Sometimes when I receive some .ai files, everything is un-organized and must travel over layers and layers... This option is in After Effects and is very helpful.
Thanks for reading!

You can do this now with the Locate Object button in the bottom of the Layers panel.
However, this is not an automatic thing. If you wish to have an option for it to be automatic, vote here: https://illustrator.uservoice.com/forums/333657-illustrator-feature-requests/suggestions/39104935-automatic-locate-object
If you want to be able to assign a hotkey to it without wrapping it into an action, vote here: https://illustrator.uservoice.com/forums/333657-illustrator-feature-requests/suggestions/34798945-add-keyboard-shortcut-for-locate-object-button-in
Juan Carlos Arniz commented
Thanks so much Egor Chistyakov! Completely useful :)
>https://illustrator.uservoice.com/users/431466892-egor-chistyakov -
Juan Carlos, for now there is a Locate Object button (small Looking Glass in Layers panel) for you to use. You can't assign a hotkey for it (for no reason), but you can record it in an action and assign, say, F3 to it.