Larger preview images in .ai files
When an .ai file is saved, an image of all the active artboards is saved in the file. The OS (Mac or PC) uses this to provide a PREVIEW of the contents of the .ai file.
(a) This preview is terribly small, and displays as a small thumbnail instead of a useful image of the file contents. It appears to be a tiny bitmap, but it's so small it doesn't do much good at revealing what's in the file.
(b) The preview also displays everything visible on the pasteboard, including graphics that is not on any artboard. Since the preview image is a fixed size (tiny bitmap?) This often results in the contents of the active artboard being so small that it's barely recognizable.
Please allow us to specify (like InDesign) the size of the preview. Better yet, build an SVG for previewing JUST the active artboard at the time the file is saved.
It is very important for users to be able to preview the content of an .ai file before loading AI itself and actually opening the file. The preview exposed to the OS should be large and (optionally) contain just the last active artboard.

I personally benefit for the file displaying all canvas content, rather than sticking to one artboard of many. But I deeply agree — without external codec a user can't (on Windows) preview thumbnails at all. I guess this was done to force users to switch to Bridge, but that was just bad and greedy decision.