
emptycolours commented
Egor Chistyakov さん、検討して下さって、本当にありがとう。
いつか実現されるのを楽しみに待っています! -
This is a task for Adobe to tackle with. It can be done and will be done, but we don’t know when exactly, too many things to consider and workflows to study.
Hiding artboard would solve this trimming issue for sure. -
emptycolours commented
Egor Chistyakov さん、再びありがとう。
Aha, this makes sense now, thank you for the clarification.
What if it could be done with an option 'Trim view trims to largest / smallest artboards'?
I don’t think that specifying a particular artboard for trimming will work: it would require a marker near every artboard on canvas or in panel, or a mechanism to set check marks, (all, none, specific one)... too much fuzz for the not that broad use case.
But! I Ai team will ever combine artboards with layers in a single panel, this could be implemented in panel with no problem. -
emptycolours commented
Egor Chistyakov さん、ありがとう。
Oh, I get it now. It's that I find it normal for my use cases.
'Trim' actually supposes something made for printing, like a paper, later to be trimmed, and these rarely intersect each other. Still, when I have overlapping artboards and I have to preview the smaller one, I use Presentation Mode — it zooms to 'Fit to Screen' though.
What solution do you propose? When I have, say, 20 pages (and only one artboard can be and is highlighted) — now all of them are trimmed, and it's good, it should stay. And when a user has slightly overlapping artboards and wants to view all of them trimmed.... I just don't see a manageable way to make choice of artboard to be shown in Trim View. -
emptycolours commented
Egor Chistyakov さん、スクリーンショットです。
残念ながら現在は、そうなっていません。 -
Can you share a screenshot? It trims overlapping artboards fine for me.