Bring back "hide edges" for type within a paragraph
I used to be able to select a line of type, hide edges, and then view how various fonts looked (without seeing the type bar that show's it's selected). Not being able to do this has greatly slowed down my process. Please bring back "Hide Edges" for selected type within a paragraph.

Derf commented
Critical importance when you work with type and colors. I know of the work around (changing preview CPU/GPU) but it's a pain.
It worked much later, it turns out
It used to, indeed!
I see why you might want that.
Voted. -
Ceregraphic commented
I don’t know why this feature was dropped, but it’s sorely missed. Not being able to hide the highlight over selected text when “Hide Edges” has been activated is a real pain. PLEASE bring this feature back!
Are you sure it did that?
I have CC2015 (along with 2020) and it’s not like this there.
What version do you say has it? -
MyKill commented
This has been a problem since CC2017 and is still not fixed in CC2018... When trying to work with selected text, in every version of Illustrator prior to CC2017, "Hide Edges " (CMD+H) would also hide the "selection box" or whatever you call the highlighting of text. In CC2017, it stays highlighted UNLESS you UN-check GPU Performance.
It's a real pain when you are trying to change the text color of a single word or character because you can not see the result since the highlight color is still shown and shows a different color than what you have selected.
I don't see why I can't have GPU Performance ON while trying to edit selected text color... I posted about this in November of 2016 ( as well as filed a bug report.
PLEASE fix this.