Embed locked photos + objects (without unlocking them first)
Currently, we must unlock an image before embedding it. An example workflow where this in inconvenient is if I am preparing a doc for sharing and I would like to embed all images in a file for convenience. Or perhaps I have many small linked files that I want to embed for ease, like a complex illustration with many bitmaps.
Currently I do this:
1/I select all images in my links palette.
2/ click embed
3/ receive alert that AI won't embed any locked images. (either I prefer them locked or I locked and forgot)
4/ I unlock all images.
5/ Again, select the images in the palette and embed.
6/ If I preferred specific items locked, I must then laboriously re-lock them.
The current action doesn't seem to serve any purpose. I have never wanted locked images to be protected from the embed function.
FYI: Illustrator performance and multi-core use far far far outweigh this.

Protecting locked images from embedding is actually a correct thing to have, but I agree that AI should provide a way to embed locked too right there, when you embed them, without you making steps 4–6.
Multi-core is still a better thing to have, sure.