Paste / repeat symbols / objects into a text along a path
In Indesign you can copy a path and paste it into a text field, including along a path. This is great because if you paste it repeatedly you can then adjust it like you would with type eg changing height and width, spacing etc.
I would like to be able to do the same in illustrator.

Illustrator Beta now offers a dedicated Objects on Path construct to allow some basic distribution operations for selected objects and a chosen path. So far it allows uniform distribution only, global rotation and global pivot control, widget to control these on canvas, attaching and detaching (including isolation operations).
This is not an extension of Type on Path, but a separate type of object. The text can be used with it, but will be treated as a separate object, not per-character.
I assume some would be happy to have it and get it improved later. Pasting an object into a text, however, is still a needed thing, and is a different request — Inline Graphics / Anchor Object to text ability (like InDesign) — please upvote it if you find it useful.
As for this new object type — kindly try in Illustrator Beta and provide your feedback, so the team can prepare for the next development stage with it.
This request is somewhat similar to that one:
Allow multiple elements in a scatter / pattern brushes -
A scripts to handle this: -
While I see how a Repeat approach can help to create and control these, why not use Blends or Brushes for that? Blends just provide the same functionality and more. The way blends are control on the desktop though...
Not only because of this, but for more general reasons, this is a must have thing.
Anonymous commented
Mirror, repeat and array around a circle are all possible, please can we add repeat/array along a defined path.