Name a swatch with its colour values
I want to be able to name a swatch with its colour values - just like in InDesign - simply by ticking the checkbox - see the screenshot from InDesign..
Let's say I have an imported document with a lot of RGB colours. The document needs to be converted to CMYK. After conversion all the colours are now CMYK but still have their names in RGB, I don't want this and I don't want to have to re-name each one by typing all the colour values!!
Please give us this same option to re-name a colour with its values, with one simple click!

Ori Manor commented
It's automatic when a new swatch is created but if I change the document color profile from RGB to CMYK for example, the swatches remain with their RGB values in the name, even after they are changed to CMYK
Martin commented
This is allready automatic in illustrator..
When creating a new swatch it automaticly fills the value's in Name
NeoRey commented
Like in InDesign it is very easy to automatically name color swatches with their values: Name with Color Value. There's a checkbox in the Swatch Options panel when you double click a swatch. Pleas add this to Illustrator.