Delete Hidden Layers command - Inappropriately named?
The latest version of Illustrator (25.3) introduces a new command in the flyout menu of the Layers palette. It is called Delete Hidden Layers.
It's a useful command, but it also deletes hidden groups and objects inside visible layers and visible groups as well. These are not what most Illustrator users would describe as 'Layers' and thus the naming of this command may cause a lot of trouble.
There should perhaps be at least two or three different commands: Delete Hidden Layers and Delete Hidden Objects and Delete All Hidden Items.
Amy commented
Agreed, this should be renamed.
Doug Roberts commented
I agree with Uwe's agreement with Kurt's agreement with my agreement of Kurt's idea.
Uwe Laubender commented
Well, yes, I agree with Doug and Kurt:
"The command is misleading and may cause a lot of trouble. "This command should be named perhaps "Delete Hidden Items" where I am not sure if everyone will understand that with "Items" also layers and sublayers are meant.
Uwe Laubender
( ACP ) -
monokano commented
> These are not what most Illustrator users would describe as 'Layers'
That's exactly right. Paths, groups, and collective elements in a layer are different from a layer. In addition, sublayers are also different from layers.
Kurt Gold commented
I do agree with Doug.
The command is misleading and may cause a lot of trouble.