My feedback
143 results found
30 votesmonokano supported this idea ·
156 votes
Thanks for reporting this issue. Illustrator team really appreciate this.
We have fixed this bug in our Beta Builds available on CCD. Please try and provide your feedback.
The fix will be pushed in the next stable release.
The current workaround is to disable Missing Glyph Protection option in Preferences > Type.
Thanks and regards
Ankit Goyal
Illustrator Team
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment monokano commentedWorkaround
In the Preferences menu, go to Type > Enable Missing Glyph Protection and turn it OFF.monokano supported this idea · -
4 votes
According to the team, this is expected to be fixed in the upcoming November Beta and Prerelease builds. Once it’s verified to be fixed, it will get pushed into the next main build.
monokano supported this idea · -
57 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment monokano commentedIllustrator 2025 (Beta) (29.2.0 #10)
ありがとうございます。An error occurred while saving the comment monokano commentedスクリプトの「AlternateGlyphsForm.DEFAULTFORM」を適用すると、正常に標準字形に戻ります。字形パネルメニュー「標準字形に戻す」もこれと同じ結果にならなければいけません。
An error occurred while saving the comment monokano commentedv28(2024)も直っていません。
An error occurred while saving the comment monokano commentedv26(2022)で直りませんでした。
An error occurred while saving the comment monokano commented再現手順:
日本語版 Illustrator CS v11 以降すべてのバージョンで発生する。1. 新規ドキュメントを作成
2. テキストツールで欧文数字「012」を入力
3. テキストツールで選択
4. フォントを「小塚ゴシック」に設定
5. 字形パネルメニュー「標準字形に戻す」を選択期待する結果:
なお、欧文数字「012」の文字コードは変わらず、グリフだけ等幅全角字形に置換されている状態である。monokano shared this idea · -
18 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment monokano commentedThis warning is related to the Japanese text engine revision added in 2025 (29)., the font needs to be a Japanese font.
monokano supported this idea · -
33 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment monokano commentedIllustrator 2024 (28.7.2)
2024で修正されたのはとても嬉しいですね。An error occurred while saving the comment monokano commentedIllustrator 2025 (Beta) (29.1.0 #93)
このバージョンで不具合が修正されているのを確認しました。@iwata さん
2025(29)リリースで、2023(27)の新規インストールは不可になりました。An error occurred while saving the comment monokano commentedIllustratorフォーラムでの検証によると、発生条件は以下のようです。
・2024 v28.6 以降で発生するmonokano supported this idea · -
10 votes
Fixed in Beta
Please verify and comment back.
An error occurred while saving the comment monokano commentedIt seems that the reference point of the object is completely irrelevant.
The conditions for this bug to occur are when the reference point of the artboard is set to the center, and “Lock proportions” is enabled.----
このバグが発生する条件は、アートボードの基準点が中央に設定されていて、「縦横比を固定」が有効になっている場合です。monokano supported this idea · -
62 votesUnder Review · 18 comments · Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs » Effects, Appearance, Graphic Styles · Admin →
An error occurred while saving the comment monokano commentedIllustrator 2025 (29.0.0)
まだ修正されていないようです。An error occurred while saving the comment monokano commented> 表示を一度拡大してからオブジェクトを移動すると即座に再現される
An error occurred while saving the comment monokano commentedIllustrator 2021(25.4.8)
再現したりしなかったりの条件はまったく分かりません。An error occurred while saving the comment monokano commentedI believe the two should be merged.
An error occurred while saving the comment monokano commented同じ不具合報告が Illustrator 2021 の時点で投稿されています。
なお、添付されているファイルはv25.4.1で保存されたものでした。monokano supported this idea ·An error occurred while saving the comment monokano commentedApple M2
macOS Ventura 13.6.6
Illustrator 2024(28.4.1)Apple Siliconでも再現します。
上記の再現手順に漏れていますが、再現するには「GPUパフォーマンス」「リアルタイムの描画と編集」の両方ともONにする必要があります。 -
13 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment monokano commentedIllustrator 2025 (29.0.0)
このバージョンで修正されたようです。monokano supported this idea · -
46 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment monokano commentedInDesign 2025 (20.0.0)
The issue has been resolved in this version.
この問題は2025(20.0.0)で修正改善されました。monokano shared this idea · -
7 votesmonokano supported this idea ·
65 votes
I have no words, but this solution is missing again form both the latest Beta and the GA. There is no new information on it. As soon as anything gets known — the status will be updated again. I am so sorry.
An error occurred while saving the comment monokano commentedOptions displayed in were not displayed in
An error occurred while saving the comment monokano commentedIllustrator 2025 (Beta) (29.1.0 #2)
'Apply to All' checkbox has been removed, but a more proper new feature has been added. I fully support this new feature.
An error occurred while saving the comment monokano commentedIllustrator 2024 (Beta) 28.8.0 #43
I have confirmed that the function has been restored.An error occurred while saving the comment monokano commentedIllustrator 2024 (Beta) (28.7.0 #65) - Japanese
The revised experience not found.An error occurred while saving the comment monokano commentedThe batch replacement technique using “Apply to All” checkbox is characterized by deliberately causing missing links to display a missing link alert. This technique is almost like a hidden trick.
「すべてに適用」チェックボックスを使った一括置換手法は、リンク切れをわざと起こしてリンク切れアラートを表示させるという特徴があります。この手法は、ほとんど裏技のようなものです。An error occurred while saving the comment monokano commented
I tried simulating the functionality that users here are probably looking for using a script.
おそらくここのユーザーが求めているであろう機能をスクリプトでシミュレートしてみました。Additional note:
“Relink / replace all instances of the same image at once” is likely the functionality that is truly desired.
Instead of restoring the “Apply to All” checkbox, I believe there is a much higher possibility of implementing a more convenient and comprehensive new feature.
「すべてを適用」チェックボックスを復活させるよりも、もっと便利で包括的な新機能を実装する可能性の方がはるかに高いと思います。An error occurred while saving the comment monokano commented
Adobe does not seem to intend to solve this problem.
Adobeはこの問題を解決するつもりがないようです。monokano supported this idea · -
16 votes
We have fixed this issue in 29.0 and 28.7.2 releases.
An error occurred while saving the comment monokano commentedThe bug fix must be applied in v28, not in v29. This is extremely important.
バグ修正はv29ではなくv28でしなければいけません。これは極めて重要なことです。 -
38 votes
It is confirmed the issue is indeed fixed in the Beta and soon will be pushed into main build.
An error occurred while saving the comment monokano commentedAn error occurred while saving the comment monokano commentedIllustrator Forum
monokano shared this idea · -
16 votesmonokano supported this idea ·
37 votesmonokano supported this idea ·
50 votes
The fix is pushed into Global Availability build 28.6.
If it misbehaves still — please comment back.
An error occurred while saving the comment monokano commentedIllustrator 2024 (Beta) (28.7.0 #65)
I confirmed the bug is fully fixed; it didn't occur with an older file version.An error occurred while saving the comment monokano commentedIllustrator 2024 (28.5.0)
This extremely serious bug has not been fixed even after one year since it was reported.--
この極めて深刻なバグは、報告されてから1年が経過しても修正されていません。An error occurred while saving the comment monokano commentedI have confirmed. This bug has been occurring since v27.1.
確認しました。このバグはv27.1から発生しています。monokano supported this idea · -
131 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment monokano commentedIdeally, all of InDesign’s various relinking functions should be migrated to Illustrator.
monokano supported this idea · -
110 votesmonokano supported this idea ·
10 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment monokano commentedAt present, "Apple Silicon + Sonoma" is the only environment where this bug does not occur.
今のところ、このバグが発生しないのは「Apple Silicon+Sonoma」だけです。An error occurred while saving the comment monokano commentedAdditional Information
- Currently occurs only on macOS Ventura.
- CMYK documents are displayed in inverted black and white.
- RGB documents are not displayed in inverted black and white.
- Both CMYK and RGB documents exhibit abnormal stripe patterns.----
- 今のところmacOS Venturaのみで発生
- CMYKドキュメントで白黒反転表示される
- RGBドキュメントで白黒反転表示はされない
- CMYK/RGBドキュメントともにストライプ状の異常表示ありmonokano supported this idea ·
Reproduction Procedure
1. In the Preferences menu, go to Type > Enable Missing Glyph Protection and turn it ON.
2. Create a new document and add a text object.
3. Change the font or weight, save the file, close it, and then reopen it.
4. Change the font or weight again, then edit the text.
The occurrence requirement is to save the file, close it, and then reopen it.
Add occurrence requirements:
This bug seems to occur when the character style is overridden.