Allow to embed fonts to documents/PDFs and convert them to outlines when opened/imported
As we primarily use Illustrator for creating our print files for our Printers, it would really help our workflow to be able to open, supposedly print ready PDFs from our Clients, with embedded fonts (partial family or whole set) and to be able to convert to vector outline before closing and passing on to our printers without the need for the us to have the same fonts our self. If font licensing is the issue a button option to auto convert to outline as the file is opened via Illustrator would negate that problem..
I'm requesting this as we are a PC platform and a lot of the time the files coming in are created on Macs, so even with the same font, we often get kerning and line break issues which takes up a lot of our time checking.

Halécio Cortês commented
Ao finalizar o trabalho poderíamos ter a opção de clicar em um botão e incorporar as fontes utilizadas no trabalho. Dessa forma, ao abrir em outro computador a pessoa seria notificada ao abrir o arquivo, informando que possui fontes incorporadas e citá-las e poder clicar em incorporar ou não incorporar. Seria super da hora essa funcionalidade.
Lance commented
On second thought, a better way is to use Acrobat.
Do you have Acrobat DC? The preflight functionality can be used to convert fonts to outlines via a fixup. -
Lance commented
You could use Object > flatten transparency:
1. in an open illustrator document, drag/drop (place) customer's PDF
2. select the placed PDF if it is not auto-selected
3. Object > flatten transparency
4. select "Convert Text to Outlines" option from the dropdown list (I may have saved this preset myself.. don't recall)This is a workaround and may not be suitable for complex documents with a lot of transparency/overprint interactions.